
Tainted Storm Core

Adrian tried two more times, but he ended up dead yet again. He tried having Saena take the increased wind elemental resistance the last time. He planned to have Saena cleanse the stun and she was able to do so. 

Adrian was able to dodge the first lighting blast because he was cleansed of the stun. He was then able to dodge the next one due to Kanlaon and Wisteria's combination of handling the earth element. This presented them with a great situation as the Hell Storm Homunculus will enter something like a brief power saving mode after two powerful lightning blasts.

The Hell Storm Homunculus was unable to fire off spells for the next minute which is why its underlings were the ones that attacked Adrian. He was able to take down some of the mobs and also damage the Hell Storm Homunculus in the process. He was able to bring the Hell Storm Homunculus' health down to 75%.

[The Hell Storm Homunculus has entered Rage Mode.]