
Stolen Flags II

The screens focused on different players, but they only focused on those that are battling or being tailed. Although each player has a dedicated holographic screen, the audience would rather focus on the big fights than those not doing anything.

This gave those that need to set-up a great time as they could plant all the things they needed. Zahnrad placed all of his traps and even his prototype traps that have yet been tested around them. Since it is Magitech, he scanned the magical signature that all of his team members possessed so that they will not be able to trigger the traps.

Each being in Pandemonium has a unique magical signature that is attached to them which is why it is not easy to fool someone in Pandemonium. This is one of the reasons why people could easily identify bandits since every gate has a magical signature detector. Those with records of having a bounty stay far away from cities in order to not get identified.