
Side Story: Fairy Dragon VI

The rabbit beastman priestess told the trio the location of their former village. Kabrakan knew of it as it was called a certain name, but he did not expect that the name came from that. The name of that location is called the Fallen Moon Craters as a result of numerous moon rocks being hurled into that area.

The sadness or crying of the moon that the rabbit beastman priestess is telling is definitely a real event that took place a long time ago. Kabrakan only knew of the name, but he has yet to go there because the monsters there are described as weird. Even for the standard of the beastmean, the monsters at the Fallen Moon Craters are out of this world in their sense of normalcy.

"Let me just tell you expect something out of this world when you meet the beasts in that area. I have heard stories and I actually have seen one of the monsters there when they captured one." Kabrakan stated as he proceeded to show them the way.