
She Burned to Ashes

[Your soulbound Saena is consuming too much energy from the sun that her body can handle.]

[Your Aether Energy gauge has dropped to zero.]

[You no longer have Primordial Essence.]

Adrian can no longer support Saena as he no longer has the necessary means to. He shouted at Saena to stop as he feels that her life force started to dim out with her actions. The more sun energy that she consumes, then the more her life force becomes depleted. 

"Saena! Stop!" Adrian shouted but he was not heard by his soulbound, or she did not want to hear him.

Saena can no longer stop herself or want to stop herself because she knew that it only took a little more to complete her goal. She could feel it in her stomach as the energy of the sun that she collected can be seen affecting her as she starts to radiate it as well.

"Help me stop her!" Adrian shouted in panic as he started to fear that Saena will die forever.