
Seven Original Sins

[The rewards have been distributed to all of the participants in the raid.]

[You have received the Devil Dark Stone due to being the highest contributor in the raid.]

[You have gained two levels due to your contribution in the raid.]

[Your soulbound, Sirius, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Kanlaon, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Saena, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Charon, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Dodu, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Kimat, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Wisteria, has leveled up.]

[Your soulbound, Kenos, has leveled up.]

Adrian did not only get the highest reward but also got levels. It was not only him that leveled up but also his soulbounds. He would have celebrated there but the devil, Beelzebub, has still not left the area as he looked at Ark with interest.

[The devil, Beelzebub, has gained increased interest in you.]