
Rocky Battle

Mariposa tore a scroll and a wave of calming energy enveloped every raid party member. This was the scroll that could void an area of sound for a given duration. Adrian then immediately took note of this as he might sell scrolls like this. He could make talismans with similar effects and it might sell like hotcakes.

The damage dealers were channeling all of their most powerful spells. Adrian wanted to do the same but be believed that Vortex would not even carry the huge dragon. Its weight might as well be ten tons or more. Also if he ever successfully sucked the dragon in the Vortex, the others would miss their spells.

Adrian just summoned his twin dagger Psyche Armament. This Psyche Armament had the execute skill but it was still a good way to deal damage to the rock dragon at close range. Adrian then saw Mariposa summoning a gigantic bee and Adrian sort of recognize this giant bee that has a crown.