
Return with Koronn

"It is not rude if it was accidental. I did not even know that it was your past anyways." Adrian replied.

"Who told you that it was my past?" Koronn stated.

"From the way that you are acting, I can easily tell because you have the face of someone that does not care but has the aura of wanting to kill me." Adrian replied.

"Just because you have seen my past does not mean that you should pity me." Koronn stated.

"If you want my pity then I will give it to you but if you do not then I will not waste my time. I have other things that need to be done and getting out of this place is one of them." Adrian replied truthfully to which Koronn laughed.

"No wonder you are my favorite young demon. I will prepare for our departure because those things that you attracted will not stay there for long." Koronn stated with a smile as he looked at the Time Wraiths.