
Ravens Arrived

"You are fine. Dodu just transformed into me so that we can escape." Adrian replied but it seems that Frey was still out cold as the next sentences that she said should only be said in her head.

"If there are two of you then maybe I should keep the cuter one. Boop!" Frey stated as she was still in great confusion as she touched Adrian's nose.

"Ehem. Should we leave you two alone or something?" The God Freyr stated.

"You should not bother them, brother. You do know that the battlefield is when emotions are at a high. Spilling your heart's desire for a minute or two will not change much of the outcome." The Goddess Freyja stated as she found the interaction cute.

Frey suddenly got rid of her confusion which suddenly made her realized what she just did. She screamed in shock and embarrassment before standing up on her feet. She apologized to Adrian about her rude gesture as she blushed from the things that she remembers doing.