
Power of Kindness II

"Of all the territories in the vast ocean, it had to be theirs. It would have been better if it was the Whale Beastkin territory since I already have prior experience from them." Adrian stated as he suddenly felt like he did not want to enter the waters.

"Why is there a problem with the Scylla territory?" Ark asked.

"Apart from the fact that the Scylla are territorial and nasty to deal with, the waters that they live in are not safe. The waters would sometimes hide sharp rock formations or harmful plants and corals below. Add to the fact that any monster that could live in such a place is incredibly powerful then you have a recipe for disaster." Altum stated.

"We are also out of our element, brother. We are not beings that can fight in water." Lilith stated.

"Are we going to give up on my power? I can feel it there as if it is inviting me." The baby angel Raphael stated as he looked like he is about to cry.