
One Horseman Down

Adrian's diversion of attacks could be said as the ultimate support when it comes to intense fights such as this. There is a catch for this to happen though as he needs to receive the damage of the attacks as well. If he was not in his Aetheros Form, then he would have no chance of always doing this.

The Horseman of Famine could be seen progressively getting weaker and weaker. The team is slowly whitling down the health that she has left. They thought it would be smooth sailing from this point on, but the Dragon of Revelation will not sit idly by and let one of its anchors in the real world to vanish.

The Dragon of Revelation immediately took out seven heads once more and released beams of light instead of its usual projectiles from its mouths. The seven heads all released the beams towards Adrian's direction as the Dragon of Revelation wants to kill or incapacitate Adrian.