
New Evolutions for Soulbounds III

Adrian might want to have the Dread Overlord evolution, but he will need to consult first. He wants to know how difficult it is to get the items for each evolution. Creepysoo told him that the Undead King might know how to get those items if he asks him.

"Should we travel to the Undead Citadel then?" Adrian asked them.

"Sure! It is not like we got anything better to do." Levin Cloud stated.

"I am going as well." Peridot stated.

"Let us go!" Creepysoo cheered as he is the most excited out of all of them.

Adrian opened a portal that leads towards the Undead Citadel and all of them entered it. The moment they entered the other side, all of them were surrounded by undead knights as they greeted their prince. Du'an even greeted all of them as he was the one that felt the disturbance in the space.