

"Why would you choose that name, mediator?!" King Kame Yashashi asked as something about that name bothered him.

"I do not know. I just felt like it." Adrian stated as the door to the room slowly opened.

"Father, are you there?" Princess Mizuki stated as she entered the room.

"My daughter! Are you already in good health?" King Kame Yashashi asked as he in incredibly worried about his daughter.

"I am fine as I have already accepted the effects of my wish. I guess the sudden hit of maturity to my brain made be faint, but I am not fine." Princess Mizuki stated.

"Kame!" Kametaro suddenly stated as he looked at Princess Mizuki.

"Oh! A dragon turtle hatched! What a very auspicious day!" Princess Mizuki stated as she suddenly patted the head of the newly hatched dragon turtle.

"His name is Kametaro. I hope that you will treat him like your best friend." Adrian suddenly stated with a smile.