
I am not the Father?

"Dada!" The small dryad shouted with glee.

Solstice and Creepysoo immediately laughed out loud when they heard what the small dryad child stated. Elder Ceo is nodding with admiration as the newly born guardian does have resemblance to Levin Cloud but also the face of the previous guardian of the Mist Elves.

"Congrats! Big Bro is now a father. It was a good thing that I recorded that clip. I will now send it to the group." Creepysoo stated as he giggled while laughing at the future reaction of the group chat.

"It seems that I have become an aunt already at my tender age. Even though it is virtual reality, I congratulate you for successfully giving birth. I always thought that only women could do that, but I guess I did not factor in the race." Solstice stated but she is actually holding her laughter as well.