
Floating Island

While the elders of the Church of the Twin Gods are busy with the sudden preaching of the tree of life and death, Adrian looked at the things new to his territory. He does not know if it is a good thing or a bad thing because his territory is now free from invasion from an army on the ground.


Territory: Avalon

Size: Village 

Territory Type: Floating Island (Upgrade Requirements +)

Level: 2

Owner: Equinox

Population: (1 / 300)

Security: (15 / 100%)

Food Storage: Not Applicable

Specialty: None

Attractions: Tree of Life and Death (Details +)

Tax Collected: None

Total Gold Invested:

Description: A newly owned territory by the individual named Equinox. Not much has been done because he was left with this abandoned territory by the grace of the spirits of the past residence. Huge investments need to be poured into this territory to make it functional and habitable once again.