
Far Off in the East

"What is the next move that we need to make?" Vixen asked Tai.

"The next step is none other than attacking the stronghold of the elemental dragons. They are at their weakest when they have just woken up from their hibernation." Kai replied.

"Still, we cannot attack that stronghold with just ourselves. Players might have become stronger, but we still cannot go against that old monster. We are going against a former creation goddess. You should give your opinion as well, Tama." Vixen stated.

"I am merely going with the flow as the dharma wills me." Tama stated as he sat down and prayed.

"You know that it is suicide even if we get some help from those former followers of the dark gods. Our guild might be powerful, but that former creation goddess can easily destroy us. Even the gods know that they should never go against gods that came to be just to create." Vixen stated as her tails six tails started to become agitated.