
Far Off in the East II

"Where can we even get a piece of this powerful entity called Order?! If it is the opposite of creation, then there is nothing at all because you said that it is nothing." Vixen stated.

"It cannot be nothing, Vixen. If Order did have a form, then there might have been some things that it has given energy to. Even though he is not saying the entire story, I believe that he also has some way of finding this or else he would not have mentioned it." Tai stated.

"The smart one is correct as always. A piece of Order is currently being held at a mountain that the monk boy is familiar with. It is a mountain that is shaped like the eyebrows of a lady. A mountain filled with sacred spiritual energy that it is almost akin to that of Null Energy. A piece of Order should be present in that location and the monk boy could probably lead you to it." Amatsu-Mikaboshi stated.

"You mean a piece of Order is currently being sealed in Mount Emei?" Tama asked.