
Escorting A Goddess II

"The Void?! I suppose you know of that place because you are a Daemos. I suggest that you never become interested in that place because even the gods of Pandemonium do not like that place. I have never been there but the gods that tried to traverse there became insane and became Distorted Gods." The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

"Distorted Gods?" Adrian exclaimed.

"Distorted Gods are gods that have turned their divinity into something that will corrupt all those that follow them. All their negative emotions will be transferred to their followers and will make them no less than savage beasts. Do you wonder why some of the followers of the dark gods become grotesque monsters while some retain their human form?" The Goddess of Protection Bastet stated.

"You mean to say that the Dark Gods are different from these so-called Distorted Gods?" Adrian asked.