
Equinox Versus Pristina II

"No! Ethereal Cleansing Light!" Pristina shouted as she gripped her staff and poured a massive amount of her gathered faith.

The angels kept on screaming in agony while Adrian felt the fluctuations of the magic circle. He suddenly saw a silhouette of a being that is trapped in golden chains. He was sure that it looked like a bird, but the silhouette was a bit faded that he is not completely sure. The silhouette then vanished when some of the angels managed to recover to continue with their praying.

"Devoted. To think that all of you would sacrifice yourselves for the good of your kind. I never thought that angels could be selfless because all of you were very selfish. You guys are not that different when it comes to the devils after all." Adrian stated which triggered the angels, but they did not take lightly.