
End of the Fifth Event

Apolaki suddenly appeared behind the King of Twilight Hay-lale and is about to plunge his Kris on the latter's back. The King of Twilight Hay-lale did not have anytime to react but that is only what Apolaki thought. Apolaki's danger signal is giving him full warning that he will die if his attack reaches.

"If I die trying to kill you then I will take my chances." Apolaki thought but that is just a pipe dream because even Adrian did not use the only skill that can save himself if a dangerous situation were to arise.

"Twilight Zone." The King of Twilight Hay-lale muttered as he snapped his fingers.

The moment the King of Twilight Hay-lale all surroundings lost color and became gray. The audience watching the match could not believe what they are seeing because time has literally stopped. Without a doubt in their minds, they only knew one race that could literally bend time and space.