
Depths of the Soul I

"You know that Lifeless Lord of yours? You would need to do the exact same thing that you did for it for Sirius. You must connect Sirius to the very depths of your soul." Pann stated.

"The depths of my soul? How am I going to do that? The last time I went there is just a coincidence. I do not know how to actually consciously go there." Adrian replied.

"I do not know other things to help you with other than that. Summoners that are powerful have strong connections to their soulbounds. The stronger the connection then the stronger the power of both the soulbound and the summoner." Pann stated as he knew about summoners since he studied their magic when he was younger.

"Thanks…I guess." Adrian answered as he went to find a suitable location to go inside the depths of his soul.

"Be sure to return once you make Sirius evolve. I want to see what an Abyssal Fenrir looks like." Pann stated as he returned to caring for his beloved creatures.