
Demon in Wait I

Solstice and Lycan faced the enraged Mishiel with their remaining life. Solstice could not even use any of her skills anymore as she lost lots of blood. She is not a good match against opponent that do not bleed. If the opponents could bleed, then she would have dominated this battlefield.

Lycan could not transform anymore either as he used it to destroy the barrier earlier. It is actually a miracle that he could still stand up as he is only on 10% health. He is already pushing his limits as he is also weakened from the effects of the forceful transformation.

"Die, pitiful insects!" Mishiel shouted as she used all six arms to rain down on the two of them.

Solstice and Lycan used their remaining strength to reach Mishiel. Solstice even made use of her last bit of control of blood to damage Mishiel with her own blood. In the end, she could only make a dagger worth of blood to try and puncture Mishiel, but it got blocked by a barrier.