
Demon and Undead Hybrid

Adrian trapped the energy of telekinesis in the dimension inside the coffin. The Aspect of the Dark God that Slumbers in the Sea is shocked upon the sudden disappearance of the power it used. The aspect could feel the connection with its telekinesis, but he feels that it is isolated in a special place.

Adrian did not waste anymore time as he applied all of his primordial energy and nether energy on the chains. The chains not only increased in durability but also sapped more life force from those affected by it. The chains even dealt more damage as nether energy crept up on the souls of the leviathans.

In fact, the leviathans started going crazy as the attacks on their souls are more painful than what they can handle. As the biggest creatures in the sea, they often had no attacks penetrate their hides which means they rarely feel pain. The leviathans are now experiencing what true pain feels like as their soul is getting shocked by the nether energy.