
Dare to Offend

"Who dares attack the Mistress of the House of Creation?!" Saru stated in a thundering voice that did not have a hint of respect but full of anger.

"Turn back now while we are giving you face. The Azure Dragon Clan is claiming this area for one week." A voice from the ground stated.

The three of them turned their attention to the one that is speaking. They were a group of five people that had a blue uniform with a dragon insignia. Saru immediately noticed who these people were, and he is not happy with how his Mistress is being treated.

"The Azure Dragon Clan cannot claim this area as this is a zone that belongs to no one. We will forgive you if you beg for forgiveness now or else face the punishment for being disrespectful to my Mistress." Saru stated as he released his aura that even impressed Adrian.