
Cat Vs Snake IV

"Shadow Bindings!" The Shadow of Apophis casted as it dove its huge body into the shadows.

A powerful shockwave of shadow energy suddenly enveloped the area where Adrian and the players are located. The area is bathe in a black shadow that stretched in a wide area. The wide shadow attached itself to the bodies of the players and rooted them in place.

[You are afflicted with Shadow Binding (Legendary). You are rooted in place for five seconds.]

[You were not stunned due to you resisting the stun.]

Some of the players were stunned while Adrian was just rooted in place due to not being able to resist everything. The good thing is that the legendary spell is not dealing damage to them, but the status ailment is difficult to resist. The others were afflicted with the stun and the root for ten and fifteen seconds respectively which means Adrian is still on the lucky side.