
Authority of a High God

"Goddess! You have come to give us salvation!" The Angels of Virtue stated as they bowed to the Goddess of Light Luminaria.

"My beautiful children. My beautiful city is now in ruins because of pests. I shall now give my holy decree!" The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as she raised her Scepter of the First Light.

"EXPEL ALL INVADERS AND GIVE THEM JUDGEMENT!" The Goddess of Light Luminaria stated as the entire Silver City was covered in her aura.

A powerful force suddenly swept across the entire Silver City and sent all the demons and dragons with the dragonkins flying out of the area. As soon as they were now out of the Silver City, a powerful magic circle made of light suddenly activated and hit all of them. A powerful beam of light struck all the beings that were pushed out of the Silver City.

[You have been hit by the Divine Spell: Judgement of Light.]

[Due to your divinity, you will receive 25% less damage.]