
Against a Chaotic Greater God

"Thanks! I almost died from that." Adrian stated as he manifested next to Levin Cloud just like what happened with Grand Mistress Nu Wa.

"I cannot do that again for another hour. By the look of things, we might even die within the hour if we are not serious." Levin Cloud stated as he used the max charges of that skill.

"Get behind me children. The nuisance is becoming erratic." Grand Mistress Nu Wa stated as she suddenly created numerous shields of different energies stacked against each other.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi did not even need to look back as chaotic dark tendrils shot out form his back and accurately tried to kill all five of them. Grand Mistress Nu Wa already knew how to fight against Amatsu-Mikaboshi which is why she did not need to guess what the enemy planned to do. Still, Grand Mistress Nu Wa is still a bit weakened as she has yet to fully recover when she came down to fight.