
A Fair Trade

"I have decided. If a necklace could help my family, then I will gladly give it up." Imiter stated as he handed the necklace to Adrian.

"You now have what you want so agree to the trade. The necklace for the safety of Imiter and his family." Lime stated as she pointed her finger towards Adrian.

"Nope." Adrian stated.

"You promised!" Lime and Imiter simultaneously shouted.

"I was just joking. You guys are too high strung and need to loosen up. Come meet me in front of that tree with your family. I can feel that they are near my territory since both of you look like you escorted someone here compared to just the two of you coming." Adrian stated as he disabled the barrier.

"Do not go back on your request!" Lime stated menacingly but Adrian just snickered as her threats do not bother him.

[You have been given the Necklace of a Loving Father.]


Item: Necklace of a Loving Father

Tier: Mythical

Type: Accessory