
Blabbering Chibis

Shifting left and right, Olivia wiggled in her seat in the rented limousine that picked her up from the airport. She was practicing the words she never thought would roll out of her tongue but would still say as soon as she would see Maxen.She embedded every word and punctuations in her head again and again although she didn't need to because those words came from the chambers of her heart."I'm sorry."Fudge. She hated how it tasted in her tongue, but she reminded herself that it won't hurt to admit her mistake and that what would definitely hurt was Maxen getting tired of her constant jealousy.It was four in the afternoon when they reached the hotel in Manhattan but the sky was already dark, the neon signs and building lights gave the city a different life—blinding, invigorating, tempting. This was why everyone wanted a bite of the Big Apple.