
Armor needed

[Chapter 2.]

[The King Needs armor]

[1940 AD]

[King Multiverse]

King Multiverse Eater is the King of The Race of Foxes Known as the Multiverse Eater Foxes.

All Multiverse Eater Foxes have red fur, neon blue, and glass-like eyes.

They also have amazing physical strength but in exchange for that strength, they have slower speed.

Most Of the Foxes Live inside of the Foxden and said Foxden is the Realm that King Multiverse rules over.

However, King Multiverse needs new armor so he's going to Earth to meet a scientist by the name of Cindy Kitty.

[King Multiverse]

King Multiverse Eater, the regal ruler of the fox den, dons an impressive ensemble that befits his majestic status.

His attire exudes power and authority, commanding attention wherever he goes.

The vibrant red hue of his outfit symbolizes his dominance and fiery spirit.

To complete his majestic look, King Multiverse Eater wears a crown that signifies his status as the ruler of the Foxden.

The crown is crafted with exquisite detail, featuring intricate patterns, and is encrusted with precious gemstones.

It rests atop his head, accentuating his noble features and commanding presence.

He also dons a large Red Cape that he can pull all across his own body.

[London, United Kingdom]

London is a bustling metropolis, teeming with life and energy.

The city's streets are filled with the sounds of horse-drawn carriages and the clatter of footsteps on cobblestones.

The air is thick with the scent of coal smoke and the occasional whiff of freshly baked bread from the nearby bakeries.

The buildings stand tall and proud, their facades adorned with intricate architectural details that spoke of a promising era.

[Cindy's lab]

In the heart of London lies an underground science lab unlike any other, created by the brilliant Cat woman known as Cindy Kitty.

The lab is a marvel of modern technology, with state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge research facilities.

Cindy Kitty's underground science lab is a reflection of her feline grace and intelligence. The sleek, futuristic design of the lab is complemented by the warmth and comfort of home.

Every detail has been carefully considered, from the color scheme to the layout, to ensure that the lab is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.

[Cindy's Lab]

As King Multiverse walks down the steps into her Lab 2 teenagers stop him at the door.

Both of the teenagers are wearing lab coats with lab goggles.

They tell King Multiverse

"Hey! You can't enter through here without permission!"

King Multiverse hands them a note that was written by Cindy.

Both of them read it.

They look back up at him.

They sign and let him in.

[Cindy's lab]

He walks in and sits down on a couch.

He then says

"When is She coming?"

The Female teenager introduces herself as Mena.

The Male teenager introduces himself as Ken.

Ken says

"She's currently out right now."

"She should be coming back soon."

King Multiverse then sighs.

He relaxes his body.

He then turns to look at a map of some sort.

He asks

"What is that map?"

Mena responds with

"It's just the Infinite Layers in hell."

King Multiverse is confused so he asks

"Layers? Like layers to a cake?"

Ken gets up and says

"Gosh darn old timer! Everyone knows what a layer is!"

"A Layer is a Universe!"

"Everyone throughout Non-existence knows that!"

"Have you been living under a rock?"

Mena then says

"Ken! Calm down."

"I'll explain it better."

"By default, a layer is a Universe and its container."

She then points to a blue rectangle with a Black circle inside of it.

Mena then says

"This is the Standard universal Model."

"3 Spatial dimensions make up the black circle you see here"

"But the Container is time itself which is 1 temporal dimension."

"Our Universe is different though as it has more spatial dimensions than just 3."



A White furred cat woman comes out of a hidden room.

Cindy then says

"Bravo! That explanation was spot on!"

"One day you'll become smarter than me!"

Mena then blushes and says


Cindy then responds with

"Although there is one thing you forgot to add."

"If a Layer transcends another layer that'll make the higher layer a step up in dimensionality."

"Which is why I'm studying hell."

"I want to find out how many dimensions it holds."

King Multiverse says

"Thank you for the explanation."

"I'm not really that smart when it comes to this science stuff but I believe in the brightness of the C.A.T.S."

Cindy then goes into a box and carries his 600-lb diamond armor to him.

She then says

"This should be good right?"

King Multiverse says

"Yes, this should be good."

[Sirens start to blare]

All of them are alerted to the sirens that are playing outside.

Cindy says

"The Germans have taken over France!"

"But that's not all! German fighter airplanes are swarming the City!"

King Multiverse says

"So it seems."

"I shall go outside and defend the people myself."


King Multiverse sees the bomber planes and he uses his regal staff to summon various spears.

The spears began to fly through the air as they hit various German planes.

The German fighter squadron begins to target him.

King Multiverse easily takes all of the bullets as they do not harm him.

He then uses his staff to summon a giant hand from space.

The Hand is so massive that it covers half the earth's surface.

King Multiverse swings his staff again to attach a magnet to his giant hand.

By using selective targeting he can pinpoint and lock onto the Planes.

With one swing of his staff, all of the planes get sent to Space.

He then balls his fist up, instantly crushing everyone.

He de-summons the fist and goes back to protecting the people.

The RAF Pilots fly by and salute King Multiverse.

King Multiverse knows that they'll be targeting civilians so he creates a barrier over the entire country.

Using his strength he starts to physically push the barrier downwards to northern France.

The barrier manages to get there and in the meantime, the Germans can't take any more land.

Cindy comes out and says

"Good job."

"You've protected my lab."

"But somebody is coming."

An ÜberCharged German soldier comes out of nowhere, attempting to Superman Punch King Multiverse.

King Multiverse, using his Physical might, stops the attack before it hits him.

The German soldier bounces off of him and then attempts to kill Cindy.

Cindy pulls out a large sword that's 3 feet taller than her(for reference she's 6'3).

She swings the big and heavy metal sword with such swiftness that you wouldn't believe it weighed over 1000(Kilograms).

Mina and Ken come out with outfits that seem a bit too far out in the future.

They are both equipped with Fire regalias and better-designed MP40s.

They both ask for permission to travel to France to fight the Germans.

Cindy grants their permission.

With that note, both of them run so fast that they're easily able to cross the distance between London to Paris in 0.001 seconds.

King Multiverse says

"Are those normal kids?"

Cindy then laughs and says

"They were normal kids until I showed them the way of science."

King Multiverse then laughs and says something with a bit of concern

"But what was up with that soldier?"

"He doesn't seem normal."

Cindy says

"The Germans have built a connection with Heaven."

"They are super maxing their troops along with feeding them meth."

King Multiverse then says

"I see."

"So it is heaven that started this war?"

Cindy says

"No, it's merely just the Pope teaming up with the Nazis."

King Multiverse then says

"I see."

"What do we do about this?"

Cindy says

"You should probably be protecting your people right now."

"I can handle the Germans for as long as I can."

King Multiverse says

"Stay safe."

King Multiverse uses his physical might to jump so high and so fast that he can go from Galaxy 1(Milky Way) To the Foxden.

Cindy looks up and says

"You too."

