
Day 5Cx1 - Fazbear Safari

"I prefer using a driver, but to each their own."

With Gregory and Moon off on their adventure it was now just you and Bonnie. The plan was to reach the security room where the P.A. system could be used to broadcast the reset tones. While Gregory and Moon worked on solving the lockdown you would fix the animatronics.

You wished you could have brought Chica along for more muscle but you didn't have the time to free her. You give some time to Gregory and Moon to get ahead. There wasn't much you could have done if you beat them to the P.A. system anyways. You also didn't want to draw any attention in case someone was watching.

There was also the matter of other 'hostiles' in the area. Chica and Moon proved to be a handful, even with your backup. There was still Roxanne, Freddy, Monty and the DJ, each dangerous in their own way. There was also the matter of Vanessa or Vanny as Gregory called her. He didn't get into the details of what she was capable of but you knew she could control the animatronics.

Of all of them you found Monty to be the most threatening, especially after the confrontation you had with him yesterday. He had bested both you and Bonnie in the past as well.

Not to mention all the 'regular' bots that were after you.

You hoped you didn't run into any.

You check your map. You determine your path to be Monty Golf then to main hall then the arcade to reach the security hub and P.A. room. From there you'd be able to initiate the reboot sequence.

As much as you weren't a fan of traversing the golf course you didn't want to go the same way as Gregory. Plus, judging by what you had seen, all the bots were in the main hall. The attractions were probably short-staffed.

You rationalize that Vanny or whatever this 'mastermind' was is watching you all. Better to split up.

Before you get going you check your bearings. You had your tazer plus the extra battery, phone, and the necessary notes to reset everyone. You also have the two cans of soda from earlier and the Fazwatch. You realize wearing it makes you a target but it didn't seem like any of the animatronics were using it anyways.

You and Bonnie had waved bye to Chica and were at the top of the daycare. You would like to have had a laser blaster or FLOOR but the laser arena was out of the way. You wanted to cover as little ground as possible so no laser arena for now.

You would just have to make do with what you had.

Bonnie looked briefly in the direction Gregory and Moon went. You half reconsider calling them back and switching allies. It didn't seem like Gregory and Moon had good chemistry.

"You think they'll be okay?" You ask.

"I think so." Bonnie said, not missing a beat. "Moon is great with kids. I'm worried about that kid though." He scratched his ears. "He seems like a real troublemaker." You reserve your judgements about Gregory, sure he seemed like a mischief maker, but he was an expert.

"Well that kid apparently saved the plex once, this isn't his first rodeo."


"That's what I've heard." You two come to a stop.

The two of you reach the presumed entrance to Monty's Golf. Located was just a plain wall, a few designs and swirls covering it. There was nothing to indicate an entrance to Monty's Golf, let alone anything out of the ordinary. It was just a regular wall.

You check the picture of the main map. There was no entrance listed but the golf course was just behind the wall.

The utility map displayed differently. It directly listed a door or tunnel connecting the two areas. You look over the wall, maybe there was some hidden switch or something.

"Hey, you've been here before, right? Isn't there supposed to be a door here?" You weren't having any luck feeling for any 'secret switches'. It was just a plain wall at the edge of the daycare. The maps were contradicting each other too.

You give Bonnie a moment as he walks up to the wall, inspecting it. He placed a hand on it. "There is...there is a hall here. I remember there being one."


Suddenly Bonnie reels pack and punches a hole right through the blank wall causing you to flinch. He wastes no time in tearing the whole thing down as he claws his way in, creating a tunnel. He steps inside and vanishes into the darkness.

He was a bunny, you think. And they do dig a lot. Guess that must be part of his programming. You couldn't think of a reason as to how that ability would help much at a place like this but whatever. Peering in to the newly made hall you see he was right. There was a hallway here, an ancient one but a hallway none-the-less. It was pitch black inside, Bonnie's eye lights the only things visible. You step over the rubble and inside. At the other end were planks covering what used to be an entrance.

"I knew there was a hall!" Bonnie said. He looked around, shining his lights on everything inside. You guess that either they were working on connecting the two or had disconnected them at some point.

Judging by the layer of dust in the hallway it had been abandoned for some time. With your phone light you were able to see around. Aside from miscellaneous building supplies there was also some cardboard promotional material. Bonnie bends down to pick one up, looking at it sadly. His ears droop. You look at it. It's a flyer of the "Fazbear 4", showing Bonnie as the bass player, Monty not present. It must have been old.. You put a hand on his back. "We'll be back to that soon enough." You console him. "Yeah, I know." He says quietly. Looking further around you see a few more promotional items, depicting the plex as it did years ago.

"Look at all this stuff!" Bonnie remarks as if he wasn't sad a few seconds ago.

"I bet we can decorate your room with it after all this is over." You say.

"Yeah..Yeah!" Bonnie said enthusiastically. That had cheered him right up, ears perking up. He carefully put down the flyer, taking extra care to step over anything and not ruin it.

You find the workers here had also stashed some tools. You look through them to see anything useful. Except for a thick layer of dust most of them were outright useless to you.

Shining your phone light you find an ancient dial phone with a paper attached that read "Return to P. Guy if found." You ignore it, not having use for such an archaic device. Plus you had no idea who P. Guy was but he probably didn't work here anymore.

At the end of the short connecting way was a door blocked off by wooden planks. While it looked like they had completely closed off the daycare entrance the entrance from Monty Golf was still almost accessible. You begin to wonder if there were other hidden rooms within the plex. There was still much to learn about this place, clearly.

Bonnie wastes no time in kicking the planks down, creating an entrance. Being the physically stronger one you let Bonnie do his thing and step into the new area. Green light pours in as Bonnie creates an exit.

"Whoa." Bonnie said in awe. He was looking around. You step out to join him, surprised at exactly what he sees.

While you were aware that Monty had his own area you never expected it to look like this. Nor were you expecting it to be so...grand.

It was modeled after a jungle or swamp, which one you were unable to tell. There were large palm trees covering the area, a dark green floor with designs of Monty's face and that similar 80s pattern from before. Lights above gave the place a green haze to it, the lights reflecting off the tree leaves.

There were ponds of what looked like swamp water, neatly cut crass for the golf course, neon lights surrounding the ponds and paths sprawling about the place. Windmills, golf holes, figures of the band, benches and more lined the golf course. You briefly consider swiping a golf club to help with combat but decide against it. The tazer was good enough for now.

As you step out into the green enclosure you see that the blocked off hallway was actually stylized as some sort of abandoned mineshaft. It was one way of saving money instead of patching the hole up, you think.

Despite the apparent lockdown the place looked normal. You had no reference point but guessed it must look different in normal circumstances.

Being your first time in such a place you were not sure where to go. You didn't see any specific exit signs nor markings of how to leave.

The lockdown had scant affected the area. Most of the neon lights that would have lit white were lit a bright red. Surprisingly the green lights were unaffected, keeping the green veneer up.

You needed to get to the main hub area from here. The utility map, while displaying exits didn't have the maze-like picture that your current location looked like. You knew it was roughly in one direction.

From your current spot you could see a few possible exits. A hologram of Monty with his guitar could be seen, albeit glitched out and stuck in a t-pose.

The upside was that you didn't see any hostile bots around. Seeing the nearby pools of water did unnerve you a bit. While you didn't have thalassophobia, you didn't put it past the plex to have some kind of animatronic fish lurking in those waters.

Feeling the back of your neck it felt like this place was hotter than the rest of the plex. You weren't sure if it was placebo or one engineer's dedication to realism. The area felt more humid. Almost like a jungle would.

You noticed Bonnie had been unusually quiet as you looked about the place. He was just looking around, totally engrossed in the sight. "What's wrong?" You tap his side.

He shakes his head, snapping out of his trance. "It's just, wow. Last time I was hear it didn't look like this. I mean, just look at that!" Bonnie said, pointing towards a giant model of Monty's head jutting out of the wall. It was obscured by trees but still a unique sight. "There wasn't all this green last time!" He starts prancing around looking at everything. He almost was hopping around like a bunny would.

Maybe that's the exit, you think. You guess the area must have been upgraded sometime after the murder.

"It wasn't?"

Bonnie shook his head no. "Not at all! I-it's beautiful. He ran over to rail overlooking a pond. "Wow! They even added fish! Come look!" Bonnie said, waiving you over. "I'm good here, thanks. I'll check it out later." You decide to stay away from any 'animatronic sea-creatures'. Robotic piranhas, now that was a scary thought.

Bonnie reaches down only for one of the 'fish' to jump up and bite him, latching onto his finger. He giggles a bit and shakes it off. You hoped those small fish were the only things lurking in the waters.

"Can you hear anyone else in here?" You ask Bonnie. You recall how he was able to hear the horde of bots earlier.

"Nope. It's too damp here. Too much noisy water." He shook his head.

You begin to re-consider maybe taking a golf club from somewhere for defence. There didn't seem to be any nearby. Your train of thought is stopped as you look back to where Bonnie was only to find him gone.

You instinctively draw your tazer, getting ready for an attack. Butterflies swell up in your stomach as you begin to worry about where Bonnie suddenly got to. Your first thought is one of whatever dwelled in the waters.

Carefully, with tazer in front you approach the pond, praying that he wasn't dragged in by whatever slept in it. You leer over the railing and look into the murky blackness. The lights around the pond illuminate the edges and several of those 'animatronic fish' can be seen. They look almost like Monty, having a similar snout. Maybe they were supposed to be his hatchlings, you wonder. Monty, a father? You found the mental image peculiar. They notice your presence and start swimming towards you. Just by looking at the pool it's clear it was only a metre deep, not enough to lose Bonnie in.

There wasn't any splashed water anywhere. Bonnie must not have been there. Unnerved by the fish you step backwards.

You immediately stop bumping into something hard behind you. You freeze as you hear the soft sound of gears whirring.

It was one of the animatronics.

Now Playing...

Artist: Ambient Field

Song: Nemo

Link: https://youtu.be/zGTYdextjCI

Your throat goes dry and you start praying it was Bonnie or somehow, Chica. You slowly turn around, getting ready to strike.

Your eyes meet Bonnie's. His eyes were glowing a bright shade of red. He twitched slightly and raises his hands at you, twisted smile upon his face. You freeze in terror as Bonnie lets out a scream, the same primal one he had shouted earlier.

image: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Bunny-in-the-Plex-930588927

You shriek, voice echoing throughout the course. Your heart begins to race as it gets harder to breath.

But just before Bonnie could grab you he goes back to normal, eyes lit purple. His twisted smile turns to one of enjoyment as he starts laughing. He lowers his hands, gripping his chest as he cackles.

He had been trying to scare you.

"Hahaha, oh, I'm sorry, it's just, ahh, haha." Bonnie says, stifling laughs in between. You wonder if he even understood how threatening he is regularly.

"W-why would-"

You let out a deep sigh of relief and put away the tazer. You briefly consider snapping at him but decide against it. You find yourself laughing too, as a way to calm your anxiety.

"Ahh." Bonnie places a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry, (Y/N). You were just too cute and vulnerable. I had to."

"Alright, i-it's fine. J-just don't do that again."

"I won't." Bonnie said slyly. He didn't sound too innocent. You take a breather and wait a few minutes to calm down. Bonnie doesn't oppose it, enjoying staring and playing with the hatchlings. You stay away, worried they would jump up and try to bite you. Something about robotic fish just scared you senseless.

A text message nearly sends you jumping as the notification goes off in your pocket.

Shaking slightly you check. It was a message from Gregory asking if it was okay if he used a knife he found. Apparently Moon was objecting to it. You just hastily reply that it was okay and to not hurt himself. You don't give the reply much thought.

Looking up from your phone you see Bonnie had ripped off a nearby bush leaf and was trying to feed it to the hatchlings. Feeling rested enough you get ready to continue on. "C'mon, let's go." You say to Bonnie and the two of you continue.

While the two of you explore the dark jungle you wondered how Gregory and Moon were handling things. Hopefully they were alright. It got you thinking though, having a secondary weapon could help. Up until now you'd been carrying your phone but you could see relatively fine. Based on all the past night so far it wasn't dark enough that you needed a flashlight. The only exception was when Roxanne was chasing Gregory but they had purposely made the lights that dark.

Thinking on it, all the enemies you've encountered had lit eyes. It was impossible for them to hide in the dark. The golf club idea was looking more appealing.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get a golf club." You mutter. Having a metal rod could definitely make you more threatening.

"Hmmm?" Bonnie asked.

"You know where they keep the clubs? I wanna get one, just in case."

Bonnie stops as he thinks it over. "Well, they're all plastic. They switched from metal after someone hurt themselves."


"But....I do know where they keep the metal ones. Follow me." Bonnie started walking a different direction, going deeper into the enclosure. Since it had been all quiet so far you don't see any issue. Wherever all the bots where they were not here.

Plus, there wasn't much that could be done resetting everyone until the lockdown was fixed. You were waiting on Gregory.

"They gave us all new, plastic clubs but we kept breaking them. So they let just us keep the metal ones. We each got a set. Much stronger too. Those plastic ones were too flimsy."

"Makes sense."

"Monty and I used to play golf all the time but..." You notice his ears start to fall as he trails off. "I'm sure you guys will play again." You pat his back.

"Y-yeah." Bonnie said.

In-between the foliage and vines you reach an open area. A green-neon lit sign proudly displaying "Monty's Gator Grub" welcomed you two. It was a miniature restaurant you guess customers could go to in-between holes. Unlike the rest of the area this was populated, a few security bots and waiter/cook bots lingering around. You count 3 bots in total, with some possibly behind in the kitchen.

You had the drop on them as none has noticed your presence. Judging by their appearance they were all 'corrupted'. Bonnie looks at you expectantly and you nod. For a brief second his eyes flash red at you. With your approval he charges in grabbing one of the restaurant seats and chucking it one of the bots. The chair knocks it over, tipping it over the railing into the pond. You barely make out a flurry of splashes coming from the pond. Guess the hatchlings were hungry. You think.

This alerts the other two. You get up and run after Bonnie, tazer on medium power.

With no effort Bonnie picks up the bot that had started rolling towards you and throws it somewhere into the jungle. Bonnie misses the third one and it charges towards you, directly hitting your tazer. The electric shock stops it immediately and it falls over.

You feel a little bad for such a blatant disregard of the robots.

You knew that worst case scenario you'd just convince management you'd fix them. After all, they were desperate for someone to take this job. You'd doubt they'd fire you over something like this.

Bonnie looked to be twitching somewhat, his eyes still a deep shade of red.

"You okay?" You ask, concerned. He just shakes his head and snaps out of it, eyes returning to a normal colour.

"Yep!" He said perkily. Bonnie went behind the counter, bent down and started searching for something. You walk up to the counter and lean on it as if you were ordering something. While Bonnie was rummaging you look into the kitchen. There was a toppled over bot dressed in an apron. It looked to have been completely destroyed.

Strangely, there were scraps of tinfoil all over the kitchen floor. It looked like there had been a struggle. You decide to think nothing of it.

"Aha! They're still here!" Bonnie proclaims. From behind the counter Bonnie pulls up a bag of golf clubs and hoists it onto the counter. Most of the clubs spill out.

"Whoa." You look them over. They were professional, real golf clubs. You take a 9 iron. It wasn't too heavy, but just the right level of strength you needed. Not too bulky like the driver and not too light like the putter. Stepping away from the counter you practice a few swings.

While not deadly against the bots, it would definitely crumble some metal if you got a direct hit.

"This will work nicely." You smile. "Thanks, Bonnie. Now let's get back to work."

"Hey what's that?" Bonnie asks innocently. You turn around to the front of the restaurant. There was nothing there. Just an empty entrance, surrounded in vines.

Before you can say anything Bonnie grabs both your shoulders tightly.


You nearly get a heart attack at Bonnie's actions. He nearly falls over laughing. You spin around, ready to smack him with the golf club.

"Will you quit it?" You say annoyed.

"Ah, ah, I'm sorry. I won't do that again." Bonnie said, chuckling quietly. You hoped he meant it.

"You better not. Fool me one, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you." You say, trying your best to sound authoritative to Bonnie.

He just nods his head, a goofy smile on his face.

"You ready to go?" You ask, sighing. You check your belt if there is anywhere you can holster the club.

"Yes. I-" Bonnie stops suddenly.

You stop, now noticing Bonnie's expression had turned to shock. His jaw was open.

"What now? I'm not going to fall for it a third time." You say, more annoyed now. Bonnie just continues to stare at something behind you, his expression showing fear.

You didn't notice it at first but you hear heavy breathing behind you. With tazer and club in your hand you slowly turn to see what's got Bonnie surprised. Hopefully this wasn't just another scare.

Standing at the other end of the restaurant was the bassist himself, Monty. He was hunched over and twitching madly. He was just staring back at you and Bonnie, anger across his face, eyes red as fire.

Under the light something was gleaming on his head. You notice hastily wrapped tinfoil surrounding parts of his head. It was slowly coming undone, having nothing to hold to.

"I prefer using a driver, but to each their own." He said coldly. Slowly he stomped forward. His face was devoid of happiness, furious but calm. It was a far cry to how you'd seen him act yesterday.

"Do you even know what you've unleashed?" Monty said flatly. His southern accent had completely vanished.

"I'll show you."

The next chapter will be called Round 2 / Title Bout.