
True Love 1

TeaseMePlease spoke to his Vice leader that had watched the battle with him. His plans was to recruit DrEpicsauce today into his guild. Instead, he was given the chance to watch such a thrilling PK duel. He already knew that the Fire Mage was the most sought after player in the game. The Unique weapon in DrEpicsauce's hand meant that his future would forever be bright and by being in their alliance, HellFire Guild, there may even be a chance for them to climb from 3rd to 1st in the world.

The fight against that mysterious assassin, Dawnlore, had surprised TeaseMePlease greatly. He never knew that there would be two more powerful experts alongside DrEpicSauce. Since their skill set were the same for Dawnlore and HappyBoy123, the chances of both of them being in the Undead Faction was very high. They most likely knew each other too.

The reason why TeaseMePlease misinterpreted Dawnlore and HappyBoy123 being two separated players was justified. When Sato was playing as HappyBoy123, he was using the GamingPod and was able to play the game like he was the assassin. Where as, when Sato was playing as Dawnlore, he was using an unfamiliar gaming setup and so, his movements were not as fluid. As a result, the leader had assumed that HappyBoy123 was just a better player.

In fact, over the next few days when the leaders of the top alliances view such a viral battle, they would all come to similar conclusions as TeaseMePlease. None of them knew of any name/face changing equipment and so they simply thought that both of the players had gotten the same fortuitous encounter.

When Sato was out and away from the Human Faction city, he changed his looks and name into a new one, so as to avoid being recognised. Only then did he take a breather and check out his given rank. To no surprise, Sato was given the biggest shock of his life. The number displayed on the PK Token was "1". It didn't take a genius to realise what that meant.

"Hey Gray," Sato called for his boyfriend.


"Ta..Take a look." Sato turned his tablet so that Gray could get a better look at his screen. When Gray saw the number displayed, his eyes widened and after, he started laughing heartily.

"No wonder your opponent was so difficult." Gray smiled.

"Did I really just beat the number one PKer in the game?"

"Yeah, it seems so."

"I..I don't know what to say."

"Well, congratulations." Gray gave Sato another kiss on his forehead. He was very proud of what his boyfriend had achieved.

It took a while for Sato to get that information into his head. He was trying to process through what had happened. Till now, it was really hard to comprehend how his lvl30 character was able to win such a powerful fire mage. Sato had logged off and watched several of DrEpicsauce's previous games. It wasn't hard to find out that the mage had a unique weapon that could fire off spells without incantations.

"Come on Sato. Let's not stress about this anymore," Gray stood up from the sofa as he spoke with his charming voice. He reached his hand out to Sato who was deep in his thoughts.

Obviously, the young man's heart melted away when he sees Gray's loving attitude. He was pulled up off the sofa, before being princess carried into their bedroom. As it was only just the two of them, Sato did not feel embarrassed to say the least. He pulled himself closer to Gray as he initiated a lust-filled make out session. Their tongues intertwined as their lips connected.

The two of them had only recently started on their sexual journey. Every time they did it, they find more and more intricacies hidden inside their significant other. Sato's hairless body was a safe untouched haven for Gray. He found solace in feeling around Sato's body. Gray laid Sato on the bed as he partially lifted up Sato's shirt. It revealed two perky nipples that stood up from the slightly chilly room. It was perfect for what they were about to do next.

With his skilful mouth, Gray licked and twirled his tongue around his boyfriend's nipple. This was one of Sato's weakness. His body got chills as his lower regions got harder and harder as time went on.

Sato, on the other hand, had long reached out his hand and into Gray's pants. The string pants was easy entry for the younger man. Stroking Gray's manhood rhythmically, the beast hidden in his pants only grew stronger and stronger over time.

"I…I want to try it today." The word 'it' was more than enough to convey what was running through his head. When Gray heard what he had said, he confirmed with Sato first.

"Are you sure?"

"Ye..Yes. I want to try it out now." To prove to Gray that he was willing, Sato wrapped his arms around Gray, pulling the muscular close into his chest. Sato's erect manhood touched Gray's as they kissed some more.

Unable to control himself any longer, Gray took off his pants hurriedly. This was the first time the general had ever felt this way for anything. He felt like a kid in a candy store that was allowed to buy any sweets he wanted. With a kneeling position on the bed, Gray held onto his manhood which Sato had helped lubricate up. Out of embarrassment, Sato had turned his body and shoved his face into the pillow.

"I'm entering now." Gray prepared Sato as best as he could. With a slow and steady motion, Gray's manhood entered the hole prepared by his loved one. There were quiet grunts coming from Sato's side. As it was his first time, the pain was there. Fortunately with the help of lubrication and Gray's gentle love and care, the pain was significantly reduced.

Sato's waist was raised up slightly, while Gray moved his waist back and forth into his hole. Like a well oiled train, Gray's movement was in synced. The couple got into the groove and then Gray started to move faster. It wasn't that Gray wanted to purposely inflict more pain onto his lover, but more that his body wanted to feel more. It was an involuntary action.