
Pre-Reichland History

Pre-Reichland History

On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, with Kamala Harris as Vice President. The new administration immediately committed to an ambitious agendas including revitalizing the struggling economy, and addressing critical social issues such as healthcare and inequality.

The situation took a dire turn on January 19, 2022, when a series of devastating cyber-attacks targeted the nation's critical infrastructure, including power grids and financial institutions. These attacks resulted in massive power outages and financial turmoil, raising fears about national security and the country's vulnerability to cyber warfare. The crisis was compounded by a corruption scandal that erupted on March 15, 2022, exposing high-ranking officials who accepted bribes from foreign entities. The scandal caused a profound loss of public trust and ignited widespread calls for political and electoral reform.

On June 5, 2022, nationwide protests erupted in response to the corruption scandal. While many demonstrations were peaceful, some escalated into violent confrontations between protesters and police, revealing deep-seated societal divisions. The unrest further destabilized an already fragile political environment. By October 25, President Biden's approval ratings had plummeted amidst escalating economic troubles and persistent political conflicts. The administration responded with a series of executive orders aimed at economic stabilization and anti-corruption measures, though the effectiveness of these actions remained limited.

The situation deteriorated further on December 12, 2022, when a clandestine group of pro-Nazi American politicians, later identified as the Reichland Organization's Party (ROP), began to exert its influence. The ROP was led and founded by Adolfo Hitrel, the President of the Party and Governor of Pennsylvania. Operating covertly, this organization started spreading propaganda and inciting political discord to undermine the government. The group's activities intensified by February 8, 2023, with a series of covert operations designed to manipulate media coverage and deepen political divisions. On May 20, 2023, coordinated attacks on critical infrastructure sites, including the New York City power grid and Washington, D.C.'s communication networks, caused widespread power outages and communication breakdowns.

The collapse of the Federal Bank of New York on August 3, 2023, under suspicious circumstances, triggered a severe financial crisis. The bank's failure, linked to insider sabotage and financial manipulation, led to widespread economic instability. There was evidence suggesting that the Reichland Organization's Party (ROP) might be involved, though direct connections remained elusive. On November 14, 2023, amidst the ongoing instability, Reichland Organization's Party seized the opportunity to implement its plans. Posing as peacekeepers and claiming to restore order, they captured strategic locations, including key government buildings in Washington, D.C., and essential military bases, solidifying their control.

By February 17, 2024, the Reichland Organization's Party, under orders from its President, Adolfo Hitrel, escalated its operations by deploying military forces across major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. They used propaganda to justify their actions, portraying themselves as the nation's saviors amidst the chaos. Reichland forces consolidated control over these major cities, their military strategy evolved to include urban warfare. They deployed heavily armored units and specialized infantry to seize control of city centers, setting up checkpoints and fortifying key buildings, including government offices and media stations.

In these cities, the regime employed psychological warfare, using loudspeakers to broadcast propaganda and disinformation, while conducting house-to-house searches for resistance members. The intense urban conflict resulted in significant civilian casualties and widespread damage to infrastructure. Civil liberties were effectively curtailed, and the regime tightened its grip on power. On February 22, 2024, President Biden and key members of his administration went into hiding, seeking refuge in undisclosed locations while coordinating resistance efforts.

Reichland forces initiated their military campaign with a series of well-coordinated assaults on key U.S. military installations. Their troops, equipped with advanced weaponry and tactical drones, launched surprise attacks on critical bases, including NORAD headquarters in Colorado Springs and U.S. Central Command in Tampa. The attacks were meticulously planned, employing cyber warfare to disable communications and surveillance systems before the physical assaults began. This tactic blinded U.S. defenses, allowing Reichland forces to swiftly capture strategic positions.

On February 25, 2024, Adolfo Hitrel, the President of the Reichland Organization's Party, intensified the regime's control by broadcasting on state-run media channels. These channels disseminated propaganda that demonized the previous government and censored opposing viewpoints. By March 1, 2024, the regime began raiding known opposition groups and media outlets, detaining high-profile activists and journalists, and shutting down their offices. This crackdown effectively suppressed dissent and created a climate of fear.

In addition to direct military engagement, Reichland forces intensified their cyber warfare efforts. The regime used cyber attacks to manipulate financial markets, create artificial shortages of essential goods, and spread misinformation about the state of the conflict. This strategy created panic and confusion among both civilians and military personnel. Psychological operations targeted the morale of U.S. forces, with Reichland media channels broadcasting propaganda that portrayed the regime as invincible and the old government as corrupt and ineffective.

The Reichland Organization's Party (ROP) consolidated its control over the United States, President Joe Biden and his remaining loyalists operated from a secret, fortified location in the Appalachian Mountains. The group, including key advisors and military personnel, worked tirelessly to coordinate underground resistance efforts and communicate with remaining pockets of U.S. military and civilian resistance. Reichland forces responded by executing a series of encirclement operations, isolating major U.S. military units from their supply lines and reinforcements. By cutting off these units, the regime created pockets of resistance that were systematically neutralized. The encirclement strategy included laying siege to military bases and using artillery and aerial bombardments to force surrender. Key U.S. military leaders were captured or killed in these operations, further demoralizing the remaining troops and weakening organized resistance. Despite the dire situation, this statement, broadcast through underground media channels, became a rallying point for opposition.

On March 10, 2024, the Reichland forces enforced an occupied territories identification system, requiring all citizens under their control to carry new biometric ID cards. Although promoted as a security measure, these IDs were used to monitor and control the population.

In response to the regime's crackdown, underground resistance groups began to form, organizing protests and distributing underground publications that criticized the Reichland Organization's Party and called for the restoration of democracy. However, President Biden made the decision to ensure the safety of his closest aides and critical information. He ordered his team to evacuate through a series of underground tunnels leading to a secondary safehouse. Biden stayed behind to delay the Reichland forces, setting traps and engaging in guerrilla-style combat to buy time for the evacuation. Reichland forces closed in, Biden was eventually cornered. Despite his valiant efforts, he was captured. The regime paraded Biden in front of the media, using him as a symbol of their triumph and as a tool for further psychological warfare against the remnants of the resistance. Some of them, they were detained by Reichland forces and subjected to brutal treatment, including torture, forced labor, execution, and inhumane medical experiments.

On March 25, 2024, the new regime announced the establishment of "Reichland Concentration Camps," ostensibly for "reeducation" and "rehabilitation." These camps were used to detain political opponents, including former government officials and activists, and to indoctrinate citizens into the new regime's ideology.

On April 1, 2024, after a highly publicized trial, President Biden was executed, his death broadcast across the nation. This act was intended to demoralize remaining opposition forces and cement the Reichland regime's control. His sacrifice, however, became a powerful symbol of resistance for many, inspiring continued underground efforts to undermine the regime from within.

On April 2, 2024, Reichland Forces organized a large-scale military parade in Washington, D.C., showcasing heavy military equipment. This event was designed both as a show of force and as a propaganda tool to project their power and control over the nation.

The Reichland Organization's Party became increasingly aggressive, implementing mass arrests of suspected U.S. military and government personnel. Those captured were subjected to harsh interrogations and sent to reeducation camps, where they faced brutal treatment and forced indoctrination. These camps were designed not only to neutralize potential threats but also to serve as a warning to others who might resist the regime. They quickly became infamous for their inhumane conditions and the severe punishments inflicted on detainees.

With the U.S. military largely subdued, Reichland forces shifted their focus to counter-insurgency operations aimed at rooting out the remaining pockets of resistance. Specialized units trained in counter-insurgency tactics were deployed to conduct raids, surveillance, and targeted strikes against underground resistance groups. These operations were characterized by their brutality, including mass executions and forced relocations of suspected sympathizers. The regime also utilized advanced technology to monitor communications and suppress any form of dissent.

On April 7, 2024, the regime began an economic restructuring campaign, nationalizing key industries, including oil, transportation, and communications. This move, framed as necessary for national security, allowed Reichland forces to exert further control over the economy. However, coordinated strikes by underground resistance groups on April 10, 2024, targeted communication hubs and supply lines, disrupting the regime's control, though these efforts were met with severe reprisals.

On April 20, 2024, mass rallies were held in major cities, featuring speeches that extolled the virtues of the new regime and promised stability and prosperity. These rallies were heavily monitored, and any signs of dissent were swiftly silenced, further consolidating the regime's control over the nation.

By April 22, 2024, with resistance efforts increasingly suppressed and key figures from the previous administration captured or fleeing, Biden's supporters struggle to maintain organized opposition. On April 28, 2024, The Reichland Organization's Party, founded the Wehmacht Reichland as a Sovereignty Nation and officially successfully overthrown the Government of United States, with their forces firmly in control of key military and government installations. They hold a massive parade in Washington, D.C., to showcase their dominance and project an image of stability and power. The regime continues to use fear and propaganda to maintain control, with strict curfews, frequent security sweeps, and public executions of high-profile resistance leaders. The final consolidation of power marks the end of organized U.S. resistance and the beginning of a new era under Reichland forces authoritarian rule.