
Parliamentary Life Tenure Act of 2024

Executive Act No. 5

Issued by Supreme Chancellor Nixon Wilhelm

Parliamentary Life Tenure Act of 2024

An Act Instituting Term Limits for Senators, Representatives, and Members of Parliament, including the Prime Minister, by Establishing a Life Tenure for Parliamentary Positions

Section 1. Title

This Act shall be known as the "Parliamentary Reform Act of 2024."

Section 2. Declaration of Policy

The State, recognizing the importance of political stability and continuity, declares that the legislative and executive branches of government shall be composed of experienced and dedicated individuals who are given life tenure. This policy aims to strengthen governance by allowing legislators and executive officers to focus on long-term policies and development plans, free from the pressures of periodic re-election.

Section 3. Coverage

This Act shall apply to the following positions within the government:

- Prime Minister

- Senators

- Representatives

- Members of Parliament

Section 4. Life Tenure

All individuals holding the positions outlined in Section 3 shall serve for life unless they resign, are removed from office by due process, or are incapacitated as determined by appropriate legal and medical authorities.

Section 5. Appointment and Confirmation

Individuals appointed or elected to any of the positions mentioned in Section 3 except for Prime Minister shall undergo a thorough vetting process. The appointment or election shall be confirmed by a two-thirds majority of the Parliament to ensure that only qualified and competent individuals are granted life tenure.

Section 6. Removal from Office

A holder of any position with life tenure under this Act may be removed from office only through:

a. Impeachment: A formal process initiated by the Parliament in cases of high crimes, gross misconduct, or violations of public trust. A conviction requires a two-thirds majority of Parliament.

b. Voluntary Resignation: The holder may voluntarily resign, and such resignation must be submitted in writing and accepted by Parliament.

c. Medical Incapacity: The holder may be removed from office if a certified medical board determines that the individual is incapable of performing their duties due to physical or mental incapacity. Such a determination must be ratified by a majority of Parliament.

Section 7. Succession

Upon the death, resignation, or removal of a Senator, Representative, or Member of Parliament, a special election or appointment process will be conducted within 60 days to fill the vacancy. The successor shall serve under the same terms and conditions of life tenure as stipulated in this Act.

Section 8. Repealing Clause

All laws, decrees, executive orders, and rules and regulations, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this Act, are hereby repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.

Section 9. Effectivity

This Act shall take effect after the approval of the Supreme Chancellor.

Approved on this 22nd day of August, 2024