
Government Racial Policy Act of 2024

Article I: Objectives and Principles

Section 1: Objectives

The Government Racial Policy Act of 2024 aims to safeguard the cultural, political, and social integrity of Wehrmacht Reichland. This policy is designed to ensure the purity and unity of the Reichland populace by addressing perceived threats from various groups.

Section 2: Principles

The policy operates on principles of national security, societal cohesion, and cultural homogeneity. It seeks to eradicate elements considered detrimental to the stability and prosperity of Wehrmacht Reichland.

Article II: Regulations and Prohibitions

Section 1: Homosexuality

Homosexual activities are strictly prohibited. Individuals found engaging in or promoting homosexual activities will be detained and subjected to re-education programs.

Section 2: Religious Activities

All religious activities are declared illegal. Places of worship are to be repurposed for state-sanctioned uses. Individuals practicing or promoting religious activities will be detained for indoctrination sessions.

Section 3: Anti-Government Actions

Propaganda against the government is considered high treason. Those disseminating anti-government rhetoric will face immediate detention and potential execution. Public loyalty to the state and its leaders is mandatory.

Section 4: Capitalist and Communist Ideologies

Promotion of capitalist or communist ideologies is banned. Literature, speeches, or meetings advocating these ideologies will be censored, and participants detained. Economic activities are to align with state-sanctioned economic models.

Section 5: Jewish Population

Jewish individuals are to be relocated to designated areas and closely monitored. Jewish influence in media, finance, and education is to be eradicated. Jews are restricted from holding public office or influential positions.

Article III: Enforcement and Oversight

Section 1: Establishment of Richtliniengeschwader

The Richtliniengeschwader (Guideline Squadron) is established to enforce the Racial Policy 2024. The Richtliniengeschwader is responsible for identifying, detaining, and managing individuals in violation of this policy.

Section 2: Concentration Camps

Concentration camps are established to house and re-educate individuals detained under this policy. The camps are to provide rigorous indoctrination and labor programs aimed at reforming detainees.

Section 3: Leadership

The Chief Commissioner will oversee the operation of concentration camps and ensure compliance with the policy.

Article IV: Procedures and Penalties

Section 1: Procedures for Detention

Suspected individuals are to be apprehended by Richtliniengeschwader officers. Detainees are to undergo an assessment to determine the appropriate level of re-education or punishment.

Section 2: Penalties

- Homosexual Activities: Mandatory re-education programs and potential long-term detention.

- Religious Activities: Mandatory indoctrination sessions and repurposing of religious assets.

- Anti-Government Actions: Immediate detention with potential execution for severe cases.

- Capitalist and Communist Ideologies: Censorship, re-education, and detention.

- Jewish Activities: Relocation, monitoring, and restriction from public influence.

Article V: Review and Amendments

Section 1: Periodic Review

The policy will undergo a bi-annual review to ensure its effectiveness and adherence to state goals.

Section 2: Amendments

Amendments to this policy can be proposed by the Vice Chancellor and must be approved by the Supreme Chancellor Rodolfi Schikel IV.

Section 3. Effectivity

Effective immediately after the approval of the Supreme Chancellor.

Date: June 4, 2024

Issued by Vice Chancellor Totoong Rosenberg

Approved by Supreme Chancellor

Rodolfi Schikel IV