
Chapter 14

”These are superficial injuries,”Noah murmured thoughtfully as he examined the puncture wounds.

“It looked horrible,”Kit said in a small voice,and somehow Derek hadn’t seen him in the corner where he was hiding from everything.It was a miracle he hadn’t shifted,he was so distraught.

Derek held out a hand and the boy came to him,shaking with tears and adrenaline.Derek held Kit close to his side as he watched Noah and Dallas work.

“The good thing is,the dog wasn’t ready for a cat like Cal.A regular cat would’ve been dead,but Cal knows how to move and protect himself,”Dallas murmured as he examined a nasty-looking gash on Cal’s shoulder.

“How does it look?”Derek asked.

Noah had fetched a bowl of water and a roll of paper towels from the kitchen and helped Dallas clean up the blood that was sluggishly pumping out of several punctures.At least none of them were on Cal’s head or neck.