
Cold mornings and mead part II

Uncle Gavin was on the shorter side in stature. However what he lacked in height he made up for in physique. He had very broad shoulders and a sturdy solid frame. His face was framed by his dark ginger hair leading into a stubbled rugged and worn features. Gavin's piercing blue eyes tore holes in Asher as he witnessed him lumbering a barrel of mead atop his shoulder into the butchers shack. 'Where's the other one?' Gavin asked expecting a logical explanation as to why Asher only had one. 'Uhh you were expecting more?' Asher grumbled while placing the heavy barrel near the small table and bench.

Gavin sighed 'I suppose it'll do for today get on off to your barracks trial you snot.' he said turning back to the table as he slammed a knife down into a large stripped pigs leg. 'Right' said Asher as he turned towards the small cracked door that lead outside the shack. Just before he was fully out the door Gavin called out 'good luck Asher.'

The barracks trials were the only way to be qualified to get into the barracks and receive military training. Men and women are expected to train and show case skill and talent in a duel in order to be accepted into the barracks. This is where they can become full fledged soldiers. The man overseeing the trials was the barracks chief himself Gregory.

Asher was for the most part a non confrontational person. He didn't like fighting or anything of the sort. Feeling out of place would be an understatement. Asher arrived to the grounds where the trials were to take place. It was a large stretch of land covered in sand and dust. There were people all standing in a horizontal line facing towards one figure who as Asher got closer was chief Gregory. 'Asher, you are late.' The tall dark haired man said quietly but sternly. Chief Gregory did not even have to raise his voice to send fear down the spines of most. Everyone looked over at Asher as he walked up. 'S-sorry chief!' Asher stuttered feeling embarrassed as he took a place in the line.