
Chapter One:

A woman's scream could be heard over the thunderous laughter of men, Miguel De Angelo watched as his men dragged out the woman- nay the witch that was responsible for the death of his beloved wife.

The woman began to shout in tongues, it was then that Miguel's son, Lorenzo, shoved a piece of his own cloak into the witch's mouth; gagging her.

The witch then tried to attack Lorenzo, an effortless fail, as the men had a decent hold on the woman- she seemed not to even age a single day, whilst Miguel grew older.

Finally the witch was brought to trial, with Miguel, as the Lord of the Valley, being the judge.

Naturally she began to feigning her innocence as nothing more than a healer, a lover of science and her work was not devil worship, but with evidence piling up against her claims, her innocent façade dropped.

"Thee did warn ye of the dangers of magic, De Angelo!" Her youthful face turned into that of an old woman's, lifting a boney finger towards Miguel. "I curse you, De Angelo!" She sneered, laughing like a mad woman. "I curse you all!"

Lorenzo moved forwards, only to be attacked by some black lightning, he screamed as half of his face burned.

"Kill her!" Miguel shouted, over the panicked screams of the townspeople, pointing at the witch that could easily blend within the crowd. "Kill her, now!"

Miguel paced at the foot of Lorenzo's bed, watching as the physicians worked on healing his face, the best creams and herbal medicines money could buy did nothing but made the horrific scars of the witch's curse burn.

When Lorenzo's betrothed had found out about his scars, her father made the engagement end, since they believed that beloved daughter deserved someone of more higher status.

Miguel had the servants lock Lorenzo in the West Wing, only to be let out for meal times, this was how things were left until Miguel's death.

Lorenzo was no longer his son, he was a beast.

Who could ever learn to love a beast?

Lorenzo watched as the once famous merchant of his father's tremble before him, he remembered that Don Vincent Moretti was a proud man, and his eldest son, Samuel, was equally as proud and boastful of their wealth and status.

Naturally Lorenzo and Samuel were in the same society circles, woman on their arms, listening to the endless promises of jewels and fine dresses from all over the world.

Now, here the Moretti's were, penniless and on the verge of losing the small cottage that belonged to Vincent's in laws before they came into their wealth long ago.

"Not many men demand my presence and live to tell the tale, I shall give you both credit for boldness." Lorenzo called, enjoying the fact that these once boastful men were at his mercy. "State your business, and perhaps I will be merciful at the sheer audacity and your foolishness."

Vincent Moretti grip on his worn out leather hat tightened, as Samuel's face paled.

"Forgive my son's rude intrusion, my Lord." Vincent called out, his voice small. "We have come to ask a favour."

"And you thought seeking a favour from the 'Beast of the Valley' was the best option?"

Samuel lifted his head, suddenly getting a spark of courage. "We are..."

"No need to introduce yourselves, Samuel Moretti or is it Lopez? I know who you both are." Lorenzo growled, rolling his eyes. "I take it upon myself to be mindful of the tenants that occupy my lands. I know of how you both place your fortune into an investment that went south, and you all but lost one of your ships, which is currently docked in Angel's Bay."

"Then you know why we are here." Vincent called, glancing sideways at Samuel, who eyes suddenly fell.

"State your business, Moretti and be on your merry way." Lorenzo called, boredom in his tone, obviously he knew.

Moretti wanted his ship back, but the ship has been docked in Angel's Bay for a whole month, taxes had been piling up due to the owner not coming forth till now.

"My ship..."

"Your ship? It is no longer classified as your ship, Don Moretti." Lorenzo sneered, rising to his feet. "Is this the favour you beseech from me?"

"Nay, my Lord. I only wish to collect some things to sell to put food on the table for my family."

Lorenzo tilted his head slightly, letting out an aggressive huff. "You are above being penniless, your family harvest a field, but your son has rang up quite a small debt in the local taken, has he not? If you pay this debt- how would you feed your family?"

Vincent and Samuel shared looks with each other, they were sure De Angelo never knew of Samuel's debt. "As I stated before, I know all that happens within my lands, rumors included."

Vincent's shoulders fell, did he honestly believe that a monster like Lorenzo De Angelo would show empathy?

"If I grant you this request..."

Vincent eyes widened, filled with hope. "We would forever be in your debt, my Lord."

Lorenzo raised a hand, Vincent falling back into silence, as the Lord of the Valley came closer towards them. "You speak freely of being indebted to me, but you have yet to listen to my terms."

Vincent paled as his heart jumped into his throat, Samuel stiff body froze beside him, whatever De Angelo's terms were will not fair well for them.

"What if I were to permit you access to the ship, so you collect items of value to pay off your son's debt and to put food in you bellies, what would you offer to me in exchange?" Lorenzo leaned forwards, stoking the dying flames, which dimly lit his face. "What say you, Don Moretti?"

"Servitude. My son and I would be in your service."

"Servitude, you? What use do I have for an old man or a drunken boy?" A thunderous laugh echoed loudly. "Come now, Moretti, surely you have something or someone better? Perhaps, I shall chose for you, one of your daughters?"

Samuel paled, surely De Angelo was not asking for one of his sisters, sure the youngest was only a step-sister, but he loved her none the same.

Surely his father would not be willing to hand over one of his daughters in exchange for the burden he, himself, had raised for the family.

"My Lord, my debt is my own to pay, I would be grateful to be of service to you." Samuel voice cried out, pleading mentally to whatever God was listening.

"These are my terms, I am offering it out of kindness, boy." The Beast of the Valley growled, eyes locking onto Samuel. "I shall not offer it again. So choose, Moretti."

"I..." Vincent spoke, his voice broken and the elderly man closed his eyes, sighing as there was no other option. "I accept, my Lord."


Vincent held up his hand to stop Samuel from protesting, with Vincent's acceptance of De Angelo's terms, it had ultimately sealed the fate of one of his daughters; one that the Beast of the Valley would chose himself.

May God help whoever falls prey to the Beast.