
Oceane Eyes

He's got blood on his hands, hatred in his veins and a black heart beating away in his chest. He's dangerous. He's a criminal, a murderer, a tsunami of anger, hatred and abhorrence. He keeps a few people close, yet they don't see his smiles and happiness. He's had it hard from the start, bloody staining his hands from young, his mind corrupted. He thinks he's a disease, one that will destroy everything that comes close. But he can't seem to stay away from one girl who he thinks is too innocent and pure to be near him. She doesn't talk, she doesn't laugh and nobody has seen what she looks like. She's sweet, she's kind and she's undeniably in love with the one boy she should stay away from. She lives in a home where she is treated like something you'd find underneath your shoe. She's lonely, and all she wants is a normal life. She's in love with a boy, a boy who doesn't even see her no matter how much she wants him to, a boy who hates everybody, a boy who's dangerous and feared. Warning: this story contains strong language and violence.(not too violent). It's also very cliche and contains some very possessive boys. Enjoy:-)

Laeeqalmfao_12 · 青春言情
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1





I hated all of those things, especially the last one. But when you're me, you get it all the time.

What is so special about me? Frankly, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm what you'd call a bad boy. But not just a 'bad boy'. More like a dangerous murderer, as some people like to say- rumors.

To be honest, I prefer it that way. People stay away from me because they're scared. They don't talk to me because they fear I might just pull a knife out on them. Which might be true if they say something that makes me angry enough to do so. The knife in my back pocket and the one strapped to my ankle aren't there for nothing.

Like I said before, I prefer having people not associate with me. I'm not someone you want to be around. I'm not someone you want to get to know. Staying away from me is safer for both me and you.

Students stared at me as I walked through this stupid school hallway. They whispered and gossiped and I know what it's about. How could I get suspended on the very last week of school? It's not my fault. I didn't ask some guy to come over to me and accuse me if being with his girlfriend over the weekend. He was asking for a punch in the face.

He was right about his girlfriend seeing someone else, but he was wrong about the guy. In reality, the dude she was seeing was the biggest fucking dick of this school - Jason Queen.

And right now, he stood leaning again my fucking locker and glared at me. I wanted to punch him in the face so badly. My hand curled into a fist in the pocket of my black leather jacket. My jaw jerked angrily.


Jason pushed off the lockers and stepped towards me, "Remo Taylor."

I rolled my eyes, "Bitch boy."

Jason scowled at the nickname. Apparently, it was given to him in sophomore year because he didn't know what a 'bitch' was. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but everyone's been calling him that, especially those who don't like him. Most don't call him that to his face because they're scared. Not because he'll stab them, but because his daddy's rich and is a lawyer and will do anything for him.

"Move," I repeated, very much annoyed now. My fist was itching to punch his face.

"I would watch what I say if I were you. Wouldn't want you to go to get suspended again or worse...juvie," he sneered.

"If it means you end up in a hospital because you need to change your face, I'll take the risk. Move," I growled.

Jason scowled at me again but finally moved and sauntered off. I was actually surprised that he moved away. Maybe he saw how close I was to punching him. Or maybe I unconsciously pulled out the knife from my pocket. Or maybe, he remembered what happened to the dude that came at me and got me suspended.

I yanked open my locker and took whatever I needed, all the while muttering angrily.

"Chill the fuck out, dude!" A voice called out next to me. I probably would have punched that person if it had not been my best friend.

Wallace Richards is odd. He's odd because he can be real fucking scary when he wants to be but acts like he's in crack most of the time. He's odd because he isn't afraid if me. Actually, he's not afraid if anything - a lot like me. Due to my past and certain issues, I never wanted a friend but, here I am. He knows me too well for my liking. Everything I do, he knows and he knows why I did it. Sometimes it gets on my nerves because he just has to look at me and he's got me figured out.

Like I said, I never wanted a friend but, Wallace was persistent. You can't really ignore someone who kept stealing your lollipops and food.  Eventually, I grew to like him just a little bit, not that I'll ever tell him. I began to like a little bit more when we were in 5th grade and he kicked a soccer ball at Jason's face when he began interfering with me and bringing up things that I don't want to remember.

I'm pretty sure Jason's nose is still crooked to this day. My respect really grew for Wallace after that.

"So, what's got your boxers in a bunch?"

"Jason fucking Queen," I muttered, resting my head against the lockers and closed my eyes. God, I was fucking tired.

"Of course it's Jason fucking Queen. It's always Jason fucking Queen," Wallace snickered.

"Shut up."


I didn't bother replying to him, I was too tired. It was quiet between us for a moment before Wallace spoke again.

"Where are the other two fuckers?"

"How should I know? I'm not their mom. And I'm enjoying the peace and quiet right now so could you please shut up."

"You're a really sarcastic ass when you're tired."

Two sets of footsteps squeaked across the polished tiles and came towards us. Oh fuck,