
Ocean of Broken Dreams

Infinite islands appear and disappear, washed away by the Broken Ocean, and no one is so bold and arrogant to say that he saw them all. A nameless boy is taken in as a recruit on the legendary ship, Sorrow of the Black Sea, and this changed his destiny... Death and slaughter, but also great riches are waiting on his road to glory.

NoximilienGrimm · 奇幻
53 Chs



But, also extremely lively.

That was already a perfectly complete description of the city of Lamar-Tir. From the early morning, when the shop owners, ready to consume every bit of wealth their costumers possessed, opened their stores and prepared their most exotic and alluring to the eye merch, all the way to the nightfall when some shady, only a bit shadier then a common resident of Lamar-Tir, individuals usually made their appearance, the city was always full of live and incessant activity.

New ships continuously dropped anchor in the huge port to sell everything they were able to buy, plunder or acquire in some other ways during long travels.

After some days of rest full of alcohol and women they sailed to other unknown lands, sometimes only to find death, or, if the Lady Luck was on their side, to acquire treasures and glory.


That word had too much weight and meaning in Lamar-Tir and, unified every single person from the lowest of beggars all the way up to the esteemed governor of the city. Somehow the aspiration everyone had directly from the mother's womb was to leave a mark in the history of the Ocean of Broken Dreams, or simply Broken Ocean, and to be remembered on the pages of history.

Someone was able to achieve this dream and others not, but at least everyone, from young to old, from rich to poor, tried.

*Booooom* A lightning appeared in the clear sky followed by its loud and terrifying brother.

Some dark clouds appeared in the sly and quickly covered everything in the rage of many kilometers enveloping the entire island. The gloomy pressure enveloped the governor's mansion. But no one in the city seemed to care about what was happening. Another flash and a man appeared floating in the air.

An enormous ghostly ship appeared behind him.

Someone looked up and muttered. – "Hmm, probably today we will acquire a new Governor. This captain is strong."

The man in the sky slowly descended and entered the mansion. Minutes passed and suddenly a beam of light shoot up from the building and dispersed the clouds.

A golden crown appeared inside of it and slowly went down inside the mansion. The new governor was born, and the old one was dead. It was a very frequent situation. The position of city governor was a very prestigious one and had many advantages. But, of course, one had to be powerful enough to hold it for long.

Several other beams of light appeared in the distance. It was the sigh of acknowledgment from the rulers of other islands to the new entrance to their ranks.

Apart from that nothing really changed for the residents of the city. And because of that no one really care about it. Or at least the prevalent number of residents didn't. The night was slowly swallowing the sun and long shadows covered the island. Some shadows were darker than the others and were slowly crawling towards the mansion. Once inside, ten people in black became visible. On their clothes one could see an emblem with a purple sun surrounded by tentacles.

Even if the governor was the overlord of the city, he wasn't the only one with the power, and other influences sometimes sent assassins just to test the waters. This was exactly the case with these ten assassins from the Church of the Deep.

They were proceeding quietly towards the bedroom, but they suddenly saw other seven people making their way covered by the darkness. Their attire was very similar, but the emblem was that of a burning skull. Two parties looked for a moment at each other but then completely ignored each-others existence. In the end their objectives tonight were the same.

The sun was rising once again on the horizon and the warm golden rays illuminated twenty corpses outside the mansion. Strictly speaking they weren't corpses but only masses of blood and gore with some pieces of clothing.

Some servants arrived quickly and cleaned everything.

Nothing new in Lamar-Tir.


In some remote corner of the city a small lonely figure was crouching near the wall. It seemed that he wanted to directly enter the wall behind him. Some dirty rags were covering his face, but one could still see two big gray and a bit lifeless eyes shining in the filthy shadow.

People were passing by without paying any attention to the homeless kid. There were a lot of them, and their existence was useful since it provided and endless supply of new disposable manpower or sometimes, if some kids were a bit talented, they could be trained into assassins like the ones which were killed the night before.

Suddenly a man stopped and carefully looked at the kid. He had long gray hair tired by a purple band. There wasn't nothing interesting about him. He had a sun behind him so the boy couldn't see properly the man's face.

"Kid, what's your name?"

But only a silence accompanied with an alerted glare was the answer. – "Relax little one. You have no name? Hmmm. That's also ok, but I hope that the next time we meet you will have one." – Even if he couldn't distinguish the man's expression but it seemed that he was smiling. Somehow his entire presence radiated a calm and peaceful air slowly dissipating the alertness in the boy's eyes.

"Well, in any case I heard that the Sorrow of the Black Sea was recruiting new crew members at the dock number 9. Since they have literally no requirements don't you think that you can go and try it?"

His voice had some mystical power and it completely submerged the boy. He suddenly had the irresistible urge to go to the dock number 9. – "So? What are you waiting for? Go!"

He suddenly lost the control of his body and went in the direction of the dock.

The mysterious man looked at his back with a pensive expression. – "Another seed is sown…Some interesting times are coming to the Broken Ocean."