
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · 科幻言情
223 Chs

Sky District

Hayaka might have thought I am crazy or weird since she kept looking at me and then her brows came together, eyes peering through me like 'what the h*ll are you thinking while looking at me like that'. So I smiled and got to my sit, wore the plane seat belt and started preparing myself for the flight. This is my first time to fly so I didn't know what to expect! I held on the sit handle hard and whn the plane has already left the ground and calmly flying in the sky, I breathed normally. But felt a hand gripping my arm like it's going to be ripped apart. Ahh...what do you know, Hayaka is also scared of flying just like me and she was the one holding my arm for support. I looked at her and smiled again and the frightened girl embarrassingly let go of my arm and tried to look on the window side of the plane. Sorry!, eventhough I fly a lot I still feel the jitters and I can't get over the fact that we are not on the ground anymore. It makes me feel agitated. Thank you I am fine now!, Hayaka added, her cheeks blushing.

 It's okay, it's my first time to fly but I think it's not bad at all. I know our planes are much safer now, don't you think?, Jon said to Hayaka who turned to her and smiled.

 The planes of this era fly above Sky Level since there are buildings, homes and companies built on this area. We already have streets, subdivisions and cities that has full amenities and structures like hospitals, parks, markets, food stores, malls or everything that Ground, Mid or Air Level can offer. The only difference is, Sky Disctrict is more expensive than the Air District. Didn't I tell you that DOGS Academy is located in Air Level? Anyway, that is why we have Robo, Mobile Skims since we fly and drive with air, neuron, electric or solar powered ships, cars or transportation vehicles such as busses, cabs, hovers either slides or mono or boards (single or multiple seats) or hover cycles which are like motorcycles. But since DOGS Flighters are assigned to exterminated or control VC's and BT's, we fly down Ground Districts to help them with their issues on creatures or monsters lurking somewhere herea and there.

 Ground, Air, and Sky Levles are Majarlicas way on dividing the citizens on what would best suit them or what they want to be or where they want to live which is convenient or safe for them. However the supreme leader and the council don't impose but help and assist every individual to achieve their goal or dream to reality by giving unlimited trainings and education to support and provide monetary allowances even food or shelter if they needed it. But the government monetizes many things and they all just get replenished over an over again like a cycle. A cycle from creatings money or gold, then paying or giving them to the people through jobs or employers then giving the money back to taxes and acquisitons of properties and businesses, then back to the governments banks through investments.

 In this era, there are no rich or poor but lie style or class solely depends on the smart work of every citizen to get to where they want to be whether live or work on Ground, Air or Sky Districts, it doesn't matter. All will still get fair wages, opportunities whether one is a girl or boy, coming from a rich or poor background, all will be given fair treatment and just compensation. And this is a rule that Majarlica embedded to each and every citizen, district or city and to earth and universe. Violet makes sure this is followed through. I make sure that every need of citizens are met and until now USN and all organizations, nations help together to achieve a unified and rich earth. God bless all of us on this!

 Haaa….i know it is a hard task but someone has got to do it. I never wanted to be queen or over-all leader but I don't have a choice since I can make things happen so I held on. I remember when I was little and growing up I thought of the world as beautiful and all good but it wasn't. I thought people are nice but they weren't. I also believed that everything will turn out fine in the end but it didn't. So when I couldn't find my own resolve I turned to God and let him do everything for me. He never failed and never abandoned me. When I accepted the responsibility of a leader, my training session was over and I needed to step up, do what I needed to do for my nation, earth and the universe. I have been a keen observer and even if I can control or seize a moment or opportunity to butt in a friend, family or others personal concerns I stop myself everytime. For just like me I too have my own issues and problems that if I meddle with their affairs I would hinder them their best moment to learn from a mistake, a pain or suffering and grow from them.

These trials or challenges help us grow stronger, wiser and more hopeful to not give up and move forward everytime we fall or lose a battle or issue in our life. So, I realized that whenever I face a problem I think ways on how to solve it or if I can't I offer it to God to solve it for me. Then if all things fail, I let go and move on for sometimes not acting or reacting to it is better than stressing over some thing we can't really do anything about. Haha….haaa, crazy! But I think I am crazy accepting a position of superwoman, believing that I can really make a difference and solve the nation's problems. I think I was chosen not because I have the answers but because I know how to handle them in a way that others couldn't, Violet thought while looking at the sun set and how the half moon is now sitting in the sky calmly and pretty.