
Obsession (1)

This story is dark romance type and you will find the true meaning of Dark in this story. Not recommended for Minors, Fainted-hearts. Love is Beautiful. Obsession is Lethal. _______________ The main character Vivan Kieran, who had a tragic beauty that didn't make a good fate and bring her the personal hell. A multi-millionaire Damien Martin( Micheal ) who was traumatized, didn't miss a chance to take the sudden undeniable interest in Vivan. But not sure what he really wanted from this ordinary little girl. But he was to ready to find out what he wanted, even if that involved claiming her in most brutal ways. *Mature content* *Age gap* *Sexual words* Only 18+ Please read at your own risk.

DiLF4 · 现代言情
39 Chs

Chapter 13

13. 🏴

I clutched into Micheal's shirt while he just sat there calmly with me on his lap. He silenced the buzzing phone with a "let them in," There was a dreadful silence as I uncomfortably shifted on his lap.

Then I heard multiple footsteps. "Lizz, Lizz where are you?!" The man's voice resonated through the hallway. Did he mean Lizzy? The lady in front of me?

"Honey, you need to come with me. But trust me, I won't ever hurt you. Trust me. I will protect you," the lady said breathlessly.

I wanted to get out of Micheal's grip and ran towards her. It was more like just a chance lighting up at the end of a tunnel. A tunnel in which I got lost and trapped in the most bloody ways, as I never really succeed in catching the light at the end, just like the escaping plans which always failed miserably. I didn't want to be in his grasps anymore...

But... But my family, they would be in danger, ...because of me??? I looked down at the floor while Micheal was sitting calmly while patting my head as if he was all aware of my storming thoughts.

The kitchen door was burst open and about ten men walked in. And another ten men walked in. They are aiming with guns towards each other.

Then a man with blonde hair who was aiming a gun towards Micheal muttered, "Lizzy, come here. Now,"

"But the girl-" She started but the man cut her words off.

"Lizzy, come here. She'll be okay," he muttered again.

"No, I can't leave her with him. Can't you see? He's completely out of mind," she whispered yelled.

"I know, Lizz,-" He paused looking at me and then Micheal with an unpleasing look, " But this isn't the good time," the blonde guy said while never taking his eyes off Micheal.

Then more people came in rushing around to aim the guns at the blonde guy's men. I swallowed hard. They were obviously outnumbered..."I'll count to ten," Michael said with a bored expression while holding my body against his tightly as I tensed up.

Then he started counting," Ten,"

"Come on, Lizz. I promise we will get her back," the blonde guy said.

" Nine " Micheal smirked.

"I'm not leaving without the girl, Sam," that lady, Lizzy, said. So the blonde guy was Sam?

" Eight," Micheal smirked.

" Seven "

" Six "

The blonde guy, Sam, signalled his men. They reluctantly rushed towards Lizzy and dragged her out.

"Five, " I could hear Lizzy's protests.

" Four," the guys in the room were backing up. I felt a pang of fear in my heart.

" Three, "I felt remorse for not being able to tell her that I wanna come with her. That Sam guy was still standing there aiming the gun at Micheal. But he left after glancing at me.

" Two, hmmm" Micheal hummed near my ear. "Stay here. Don't move," he said harshly.

Then he got up, pulled out his gun, and walked out. I was nervous...I was confused...What if?-...

Without thinking further, I quickly followed him. I could see the blonde guy, Sam near the gates. Michael was aiming the gun at his back. Oh no.

" Ka-boom " he smirked.

A scream erupted from me as the loud bang went off again.

Did he kill him? I froze there as I could see barrel of gun jump, the next second Sam struggling to breathe on the ground.

I was just frozen like a statue. I felt like it was my fault. It happened again, now...Someone had to die because of me???

Michael slowly walked towards him and stepped on his back where the gunshot was. Sam groaned in pain.

Michael was smirking like a mad man. Lizzy ran towards Sam and pushed Micheal aside. She screamed holding on to him. She looked devastated as if it was an unexpected thing for Micheal to do.

It was like in slow motion as Micheal started reloading his handgun...I decided to do it today...To run, run like my life depends on it, but run towards him, run not to save myself but to save the blonde guy. No one deserves to die. Not today.

I pulled Michael's shirt and scratched his face as hard as I could. He stumbled back and I snatched the gun from his hand. I aimed the gun at him. Shit.

The shitty gun was heavy as hell.

"Don't move," I mumbled. I was losing my mind. Thousands of emotions and thoughts ran through my mind as his men had automatically aimed their guns at me.

If I killed him now, I'll get my freedom back but I will become a murderer. And his gang will slaughter me.

No. I can't.

But I will threaten him." Let them go," I stated shakily while he remained unaffected.

I waited as the man with Sam guy helped them to get to the car. Lizzy sent me an apologetic glance.

And of course, Michael's lapdogs were surrounding me with guns. But they backed off as Michael snapped a hand, signaling them.

I nervously swallowed as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and started smoking out of nowhere.

The gun started to get really heavy as I stood firmly.

" Didn't I tell you not to move, Vivan? " He blew out smokes and waited for my answer till the cigarette was crushed under his shiny looking boots.

This man was sick. Now, he was being aimed by a gun and still talking about him ordering me not to move? Or he was making a fuss about my disobedience? I was panting. I backed off as he stepped closer.

"Shoot me then your little family...." He grinned with a sadistic smile. Oh god. Not again.

''No!!" I whisper-yelled.

My arms became weak. Before I couldn't register what was happening Michael snatched the gun from me and slapped me hard enough to fall back on the ground. This- That was hurt like a bitch. Stars blurred my vision.

Then the sharp pain in my neck was followed by darkness.

"You're in so much trouble, my love," my ears were buzzing with his threat-lacing laughter.


"The immaturity coating the heart of a broken man poisoned his own existence."