
Tiffany part 4

The memory is a bit old but you still can see it like it was yesterday. It was around spring time. You were currently making plans with Mackenzie to go to a beach side resort for a bartending gig that was supposed to pay a lot in tips. You were organizing things at your place, getting ready to depart when you Heard a knock at your door out the door you saw. Tiffany, she was packed and ready to go which made no sense to you. You recalled she was going back home for spring break but to your surprise that was not the place she was going. Instead she had booked a flight for India and had reserved but not paid for a flight for you according to her you agreed to go to India with her the other day. But you don't recall this conversation happening as you try to diffuse the situation explaining that you already had plans, she had already pushed you out the door with bags in toe and even your passport at the airport. You regrettably explain to Mackenzie what happened and how you had to cancel. She of course responded with understanding, considering you can't say no to any of Tiffany's requests from there, you hop on the plane and experienced what was roughly a two-day journey by air for which we spent half of drugged by a sleeping medication you picked up on the way you were never that good with traveling by air in the next event that happened was upon the arriving, you had to find the two of you a hotel. Apparently she didn't plan for that and claims it was your responsibility. So while you frantically looked on your phone for a place of residents, regrettably hating the fact that your phone does not have international data rates, so they're probably going to upcharge you on the bill you quickly find a semi, decent place getting there you find that the hotel room has way better quality than what you were expecting. The walls were nice and paved over the entryways didn't have a completely Western feel, but it wasn't completely foreign and the hotel owner seems to have an obsession with vases you've seen quite a few of them throughout the hotel hallways. The main foyer and one in the open space of the hotel room as well as the individual rooms you would be staying in regrettably, this all went on your credit card and you know for a fact Tiffany's never going to pay you back for that. But rather than griping about your current situation, you choose to enjoy the fact You're out of the states which is a rare occurrence for you you look out the window and see the amazing number of foot traffic as people walking in both directions, casually bump into each other. You even spot a few pickpockets moving through the crowd as well realizing that the thing you quickly do the smart thing and save all of your cards to your phones. Card reading system then remove all your cards from your wallet. Put on the little bit of cash, then hide your cards in a place that no one can find it. Should someone read your room while you're gone and not putting all your cards in one place. How are you doing that? You go to check on Tiffany who had already changed out of her traveling clothes and into new where and was preparing to depart to look around you think good for her and prepare to stay in the hotel room for a bit and strategize on other ways to not lose all of your luggage during this trip. But she tracks you out of the hotel room along with her. The two of you look at open air markets seeing different things. Stuff like a guy selling the vases. Another guy selling technology. None brands you have heard of except for maybe iPhones which are popular all around for some reason you also see you posters scattered around which bugs you cuz you can't read any of them. You didn't have the opportunity to learn a second language yet. You tried once in high school, but your mom opted to get you out of that class claiming that she didn't want you being more of a nerd than you already are anyway, as well, you're busy pondering about your mother Tiffany. You tries to convince you to climb up a mountain with her for which you strongly opposed considering how out of shape you are. So then she encourages you to do the next best thing a boat ride on the river. You of course couldn't refuse it. So the two of you hop in a boat for which you pay for and you plus her and the guy pushing the boat and drift away. Wandering the rivers, the travel underpasses and side lanes. At one point you hit a bridge and as you go underneath you spot what looks like either algae or moss hanging on to the bottom. You then see you groups of fishes passing underneath you. Oh traveling in one direction. What's up with that is the question that hits your mind in the distance on land you see a stray dog wandering around carrying what looks like a fruit and a monkey chasing after it you take a picture thinking that this would be interesting to tell Mackenzie later later on as the day starts to calm down and the night starts to pick up. The two of you go out for drinks at a bar for dinner in the two of you are enjoying yourself as Tiffany's starts to go on and on about how she's enjoying herself and things are starting to look up. You don't even starting to get over the fact that a lot of the money that you earned mainly through tips is being burned through pretty quickly you waiting lamb kebabs in masala with a side of naan. Tiffany ordered a different dish, something that appeared to have fruit in it and chopped up lamb but it was a type of soup. You thought she didn't want to feel like she wasn't driving into the whole experience unless she ordered something a bit out there. All you are enjoying your meals and she was bragging about her day for which you were there for and don't understand why she needs to brag about something you already know. Two strange men show up at your table fix it down next to you and her and start hitting on the both of you. Not wanting to be mean you just ignore him and continuing your food. But Tiffany is different and as she always does she instigates things. She starts flirting back with the guy hit an order. The guys tells her about all sorts of things being local and her being a tourist. He flirtingly asks her if she would like him to show her around a bit more tomorrow. You know the usual local hits on Taurus stick. I know all the best places there is stick with me and you'll have tons of fun while casually trying to fence their number on to you. The other guy was talking to you but you weren't paying attention because you were too busy. Wondering if Tiffany will catch onto you? Not wanting to do this but as time goes on things go from them. Talking about places to visit to her sucking on his face. Had another point. The guy was still talking to you and was getting way into it. You feel that you've had enough of your food and you don't want to stick around here anymore. So you try to get Tiffany and leave but as you turn back around she is gone. Your phone then rings as a video call pops up answering it. He would appear that she and the other guy had already gotten a ride to his place for the obvious reasons. This was bad. You try to convince her to come back but she hangs up going ahead with her initial plan. You are now alone with that guy and he was talking about all sorts of things. Trying to convince you to spend time with him. You are feeling less and less comfortable around him and being alone with him in this situation. The only thing stopping you from running away was there was a crowd of people surrounding you so he was likely to try something he seems sort of nice but that couldn't be trusted. But of course you want to give him the benefit of the doubt. You trying to politely excuse yourself without hurting his feelings. But of course as you get ready to leave, he of course insists that he should try to walk you home seeing as it's dangerous to be alone at night. As well as he is, you do not feel comfortable going to a second location with a stranger. Scared you decide to try again with going home alone. But as you go for the second attempt he had already paid the waiter your bill plus whatever he ordered and his friend this but you wouldn't even more of a bind now. Not only is he trying to be nice and send you home, but he's also is showing a sense of sincerity by paying for something that he had no obligation in paying which as your mother always says never let a man pay your bill. You never know what ulterior motives he has and in your case there's no way he's paying out of the goodness of his heart. Just look at you. You also recall that she said this while the two of you were in therapy together and your therapist saying while that is good of advice, take it with a grain of salt you hadn't start to feel even more anxious so you go with your last resort you pull out your phone and look through your contacts list you only have seven people in your phone. The first is your dad. If memory serves he should be asleep right about now. Second, is your mom. She'd be awake but if you used her to get out of this she would sell you up the Creek faster than a sale on video games. Next is your brother. He wouldn't pick up because when the both of you got your phones, you both collected each other's phone numbers so that you could immediately block each other. Next is Nicole. Last week she dropped her phone in tub of acid during class and given the last conversation you had with her, she still doesn't remember that she needs to buy a new phone then there's Bridget. The last text you had and gotten from her was she would be going into the mountains with some friends to watch bats so she probably have poor reception and wouldn't pick up finally. Mackenzie who supposed to be on her way or at the resort for the bartending gig? She was your last resort so you risk it all and call her. The phone rings for a bed as your heart beats ever so fast and the guy waits patiently hoping to walk you home while you're on the phone. Luckily she does pick up and before she could say anything you immediately cut her off saying hey, I know it's late. I'm on my way to our hotel now and this nice guy has been keeping me company. I won't be long so please keep the hotel room unlocked for me. I'll get a cab real quick she catches them into the situation rather quickly and responds with. Yeah, I'll be sure to leave it unlocked for you. You leave with joy and said she doesn't make the situation more complicated. So you immediately while she's still on the phone schedule to pick up from a ride sharing service. You then apologize to the guy for paying for your meal and pull out your phone offering to transfer some funds his way to cover yours and Tiffany's portions of the meal. He then feeling to check it about the whole situation. Still hopes to keep up the nice guy routine and states that it's no worries the meal was on him he then awkwardly leaves the restaurant not wanting to make the situation worse. You then wait outside as your ride is on its way. And as you do, you return to the hotel feeling rather shaken at the situation you had just faced but you don't want it to ruin your trip. So you decide to call it a night the next morning Tiffany, along with a guy from before returns to the hotel with waking you up in the process. She waves the guy off before closing the door. She didn't laugh as she feels elated. By the night that she's had you wish to call her out on what she did the other day but you don't feel it fair considering she was probably not thinking at the time. But then she proceeds to mention how she and the guy from before plus her friend The guy that you were stuck with last night had all made plans with you to go sightseeing later today who then realized that the situation continues from where it Left off yesterday. Not wanting to face the same problem. You text Mackenzie. Hoping that she won't check on you later on today. And should you say the key word she would call you immediately getting you away from him.