
a wedding for a moose part 2

You admit things weren't going so well, but you felt like you had a handle on it. At least until the moose entered the venue as you were making a way to the industrial for a. She saw that in the aisle way on the rug was the wild moose that was hanging out in the bush not too long ago. Not only that, but the people who were it's personal photographers had taken up all the seats. Even people who weren't even invited to the wedding seem to have showed up for this. You're not sure how you feel about a moose taking over a wedding and being more popular than the bride you feel that you should really do something about the moose so you can take out your phone to try and find the number for animal control. But before you can do anything, you hear some screaming in the distance. You're worried that another animal might have gotten and so you decide to go and take a look. Putting a pin in the whole moose situation since it seems to not be interested in attacking anyone making your way down the hall. You happen to notice that a woman was being chased by what look like a gremlins you then reassess the situation cuz you believe that Gremlins don't exist. Upon closer inspection you see that the gremlins were in fact children, so the equivalent in real life you then recall that Nicole is somewhere out there giving children makeovers and you also recall that she's really good at makeup. So good. In fact that during your using college there had to be a fundraiser to replace all of the equipment she destroyed during her curious adventures in order to raise money you all had a haunted house and she did makeup and her makeup skills were on par with Hollywood. You're not quite sure where she got that experience from, but you just know that it's very impressive she has any skills you feel you should really find Nicole and stop her before she ruins the wedding by turning all the guests into demons, but you're radio goes off from the guy who went with the ice sculpture? Guy is begging you to hurry up with the key before the fridge runs out of fuel. Decide to head back to the floor where the moose paparazzi is and make your way across to the other exit to get to the industrial freezer. Only way there you notice that among the crowd was Bridget who was really committed to recording the moose. You tap her shoulder as fast as you can and then yell at her to hurry up and find Nicole and stop her before she turns everyone into monsters. Bridget was confused on what she meant but you kept pointing in the opposite direction and from your look it was clear you were very distressed about the matter so she decided to go ahead with it and then you. Also y'all don't forget to call animal control because someone has to do it running in the next direction. You pass the serving area again only this time there's a fist fight between a server and a bartender. This is getting annoying. Where your thoughts? You try to yell at them to get them to break it up but no one seems to be listening. You could call the cops but that would ruin the wedding. So instead you decide to bludgeon them both with your own fists startled by the matter that you stop fighting for a minute and pay attention to you. You try to get a quick summary of the situation but they keep arguing a bickering so no one really helping you out. Even point to someone who seems to be a bystandard and all this and ask them to explain. They explain that the bartender guy tried to monopolize the central area near the bar in hopes of serving the people at the bar food and get in on the tips at the bartenders had to share amongst themselves. The bartender guy then said he keeps trying to steal our money and the server guy insists that it's not fair that they get to share all of their cash while the servers are only limited to the table. Feeling pressed for time. You decide to state that they will stick to the plan. Otherwise you will come back and you will fight all of them and go to jail for it. Scared to get hit again. They actively try to comply you, then try to erase out the back door into the kitchen area and as you make your way to the back door, the shaft stops you saying that some of the food hadn't been delivered yet and that he really wants you to call and see if they're on their way. Otherwise he can't start preparing food. You didn't tell them that he'll do that in a minute. You got to let go along but he keeps the marrying that you want it now. You then decide to throw him your phone and tell him it's unlocked. Call the guy on my phone and see what's up. It should be the number for that stuff. One you called today. You've been hurry outside ticket with the truck driver. He noticed a giant warehouse that holds the industrial freezer and the weird looking lock that's on the door. The guy is practically in tears with how late you are who continued crying as he unloaded the comically large banana being ridden by a monkey. You feel like you should take a photo of this, but you have other more present things to look into on your way back to existing problems, your radio goes off again. Hits the guy at the front yet again. This time he's saying that some Irishman is yelling at him about something he doesn't understand and that he wants your help with it. You didn't make your way around to the front where you see her rather tall man speaking in a language you don't understand. The guy at the front door is trying to call him down and get him to speak English, but it seems that he doesn't understand him. When the two of them notice you, they immediately draw you into them. Conflict The front door guy keeps insisting that he doesn't know what this guy is talking about. He just shows up, showed up one minute and started babbling on and on and then the Irish guy keeps saying something about us spirit and a big something. Also a badger you're not quite sure what to make of it. The majority of what he's saying seems to be in Scottish. You feel like you heard him say Tiffany, but you're not sure if he's saying Tiffany or if there's a Scottish word. Tiffany you reach for your phone to use the translator app but then you realize that the chef has your phone you really don't want to go back in the kitchen cuz he'll probably try and convince you to do something about his late food that you can't really do anything about. So you decide to think about who all on the premises speaks. Scottish, how does you do recall? Mackenzie is of Irish descent and she shouldn't be doing anything right now so you decide to track her down. You go inside ignoring the fact that the crowd worshiping the moose seems to be increasing in size as people keep pouring in to get a view. You start to wonder why there's a doorman if everyone keeps getting in while you're making your way to the dressing room, where are you last saw? Mackenzie, you realize that the Irish man is following you. Great the doorman. Let him in too. Why is he even hear you wonder and who the heck pays him? Who hired him more along the lines of the question? While your questions deep in about the doorman and his title, you start to notice that you're at the dressing room. You try to just sir for the Irish guy to wait there while you get Mackenzie what it keeps babbling and Scottish in a way that you're not sure how to answer. But you keep insisting that he can should just calm down and wait here while you get someone to translate for him. But just when you reach for the door it flies open hitting you upside the head you fall backwards and the Irish guy catches you. Mackenzie peeks out in her half done hairdo looking around frantically. She then spots you barely standing in the arms of some stranger. She of course picks you up and holds you away from him while asking if you're okay and if there's anything going on that she needs to take care of. And you of course explain the situation with the Irish guy and everything else that's going on. The Irish guy then starts rambling again in a language you don't understand and Mackenzie nods seemingly able to follow everything you saying. She then turns to you and says that his daughter asked him and his wife and their pet Jasper. Of course he lost his pet. Jasper and his wife disappeared when he went to get a drink to cope with the fact that he has to now find Jasper You're going to ask Mackenzie to ask him what his daughter's name is and he of course responds with Tiffany. He said that he hadn't seen his daughter Tiffany in years and that she suddenly reached out to tell him some important news and that it would be really sudden and that he should come down to see her. So from what your gathering Tiffany didn't tell her father she was getting married until the last minute. Forgot knows what reason and now he's here not knowing what's going on or why he's at a wedding. Also, Tiffany's mom is here lost as well as their pet which no matter how much you asked he's saying it's hard to explain the pet's description. All he gives is brown and big. He keeps saying he forgets the name of the animal or something, so it's probably not a dog or a cat, but you can't really think about that now. You've got too much on your hands even ask Mackenzie to help him out while you go find. Bridget to locate Nicole and fix the children problem, which you know are still happening because you've just saw a bunch of little girls in fancy dresses with the faces of goblins. She's really starting to improve her technique, but now isn't the time to admire that you rush off again. Looking down each hallway searching for Nicole. Each time you saw a child dressed up as a different fantasy-based monster. You start to wonder if you're getting closer or not. Eventually you spotter camping out side of a restroom with a folding table she got from. Who knows where putting makeup on a line of children and some adults to shut this down. Sending everyone away yet again of the people in that line. You spot a bunch of people who weren't even dressed nor seem to be invited to the wedding. You're concerned that people are starting to think this is either a circus or some out of seasoned haunted house event for a few hours you sit over Nicole as you watch her and do all of the makeover she gave the children. Then eventually Bridget shows up and takes over. Now free you decide to go to the dressing room and check up on Tiffany. Hopefully none of this has gotten to hurt ears and she's freaking out about her wedding being a mess. But when you enter the dressing room it's completely empty. No one is around. You know that. Mackenzie is off helping The bride's dad and you also know that Bridget is supervising. Nicole, so work at Tiffany be off too. The groom justin? Should still be trying to get a new suit to wear so you know where he is. And you also remember that there's a moose hanging out in the main foyer where the wedding is supposed to be held. Not sure what to make of this situation. You decide the best thing to do is to get rid of the moose before Tiffany shows up in the foyer rushing back to the main area. You make a sprint for the most, but you're immediately stopped by a polite brunette Canadian woman who appears to be very lost.