
Chapter 6 Plan One

[At exact 10:35:45, you emptied both bottles of acids instantly inside the pole through the broken area.]

[You felt the intense reaction of both acids before the hazardous gas spread; you left without anyone noticing.]

[You returned to the school]

[Following simulation three, you saw a police car going away; you fooled the killer and then followed him secretly.]

[Instantly, you heard a loud creak and a loud noise.]

[Following that sound, you saw a pedestrian running around, and a few cars stopped in the street.]

[After moving forward, you saw a familiar killer dead body with a shattered skull and visible brains.]

[The heavy pole was lying above his chest, and while pedastrians were thankful for their survival, a thrilling smile appeared on your face.]

[You successfully killed the target following plan one without anyone's suspicion.]

[You returned to the school]

[Plan 1 Archived Successfully]

[Plan 2: Traffic Accident]

[You found a special spot where the killer stayed for a while waiting for the signal to turn green; you found no camera is aiming at the area he is standing in; then you noticed a truck passing nearby him filled with heavy tree logs; you decided to use these heavy logs to kill him; then you saw pedestrians appearing around him; you decided to discard this plan; on the ground, you don't kill unrelated]

[Plan 3: Electricity]

[After a little research on electricity wiring, you found out that electricity distribution in this city is extremely intelligent, and it's not possible to short circuit; the line will directly break intelligently. This plan requires too much preparation, and because of time constraints, you decided to discard it.]

[Plan 4: Pedestrian]

[You noticed a pedestrian male appeared and stood behind the killer; coincidentally, you saw the same log truck passing by at the exact moment.]

[You decided to push the killer in front of the passing truck and kill him; you started observing every pedestrian around the killer; then you noticed blocks on the ground; you decided to use them as stumbling blocks in the pedestrians way and let them give the final push to the killer by mistake.]

[Parallel simulation initiated]

[After unlimited parallel simulations, you successfully found the perfect timing and arrangements of blocks in a specific way (measurements diagrams) using folding papers below them: star timing (12:40:47) and end timing (12:45:54).]

[Text simulation initiated]

Following Plan 4, You borrowed twenty print sheets from the clerk office; you wore the gloves and started cutting the papers in block size according to the plan (267 sheets).

[You reached the target spot five minutes prior to the timing in the plan, after assessing the situation around]

[You started arranging the blocks at the exact moment one by one; pedestrians saw you, then they chose to ignore; they thought you were repairing the blocks; some of them praised you for contributing to society.]

[After finishing at the perfect ending moment in the plan, you left the premise without anyone noticing.]

[You returned to the school]

[Following Simulation Three, you followed the killer secretly; you were observing him standing beside the pole, waiting for the light to turn green, and you saw the truck appear.]

[Instantly a male pedestrian appeared and stumbled with the block and fell toward the killer's back, collided, and pushed him toward the road.]

[Instantly a bang sounded, crowd exclamation sounded; you saw the truck hitting the killer heavy tires passing above his body, and then it stopped at a distance after crushing the killer into unrecognizable flesh.]

[You felt a little pity that your art is completely destroyed.]

[You returned to the school without anyone's suspicion.]

[Plan 4, Archived Successfully]

[Plan 5: Items]

"Cancel the planning simulation; I have decided to follow the first plan." Neil canceled the next plan simulations; although he can use a lot of items around and kill the killer, it will require more time and preparation.

"Replay the first plan." Instantly, a projection appeared in front of Neil, replaying all his actions like a movie. 

He found out the lab and how he stole the acids.

"First I have to get those concentrated HCl and nitric acid from the experiment lab of school," Neil muttered and then left the dormitory room at 9:26, seven minutes later, which is the exact moment he left for the experiment lab in the simulation.

'I have to follow the plan each moment and second like a machine; a small wrong move may change the whole result. Anyway,  plan one is easy,' Neil thought, and walking outside the dormitory building, he reached the experiment lab according to the plan.

Looking at the empty experiment lab, he watched the dual time on his projection; one is real time and the other is planning time. 

When both moments match, he will proceed with the following actions:

Seeing the time matched, 

Neil walked inside the lab and then found the HCl and nitric acid. He wore the gloves and picked them both along with empty bottles and poured them in the bottle, then measured their quantity with a measuring device, seeing the same ratio and measurements as shown in the plan. 

He closed the caps and took both bottles away after arranging everything back in their place, except the chemical gloves. You took them away also and left the experiment lab at the exact moment in the plan projection.

Returning to the dormitory room, Neil arranged his clothes and acid bottles and then glanced at the timing on the projection, seeing the leaving timing of school is 9:56:34.

"Well, this killing is going to be thrilling; I haven't killed anyone like this before," Neil muttered with a playful expression on his face, then recalling the last tearful expression of his girlfriend before dying.

Neil sighed and then shook his head. 'I should control my thrills; even those killers are also humans; they may have some loved ones just like I had on earth.' 

Neil thought to himself, feeling a little emotional, and then he glanced at the clock ticking, time almost reaching the limit. 

All his emotion disappeared, and his expression became cold as ice.

"It's time to proceed with the next move." He muttered thoughtfully, put the acids bottles and spoon in his bag, then walked outside the dormitory building calmly, toward the school gate.