
Obscurum: The Darkness Within

In the shadowy remnants of a once-great world, Tasha finds herself at the heart of a divided society. As the grip of authoritarian rule tightens, Tasha embarks on a journey, driven by the belief in democracy's resurgence. In a land cloaked in secrets and fear, loyalty, love, and a relentless quest for justice will lead her to confront the darkness that looms over her beloved home.

Jamie_Strudwick · 奇幻言情
18 Chs

The Hunger for War

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, daunting shadows over the river that separated Ravecroft and its mysterious neighbouring town, Veridale, a sense of unease settled upon the once-peaceful region. The river which had once acted as a natural boundary between the north and south of the city in which Ravencroft once stood as Kensington. Veridale is a town of vibrant culture and history and was well-known for its breathtaking landmark, The Great Arbor, a colossal tree that had stood for centuries as a symbol of the towns enduring strength.

Amid the towering branches of the Great Arbor, where the towns leaders met, the Council of Elders convened. These esteemed figures, distinguished by their age, wisdom and unwavering commitment to Veridale's traditions, held the towns highest decision-making authority. Among the council's members was Valeria Elandra, the High Arbiter, who led the council, a role not too dissimilar from Ravencroft's President Reynolds. Word had reached the town of Ravencroft's vast transformation and Valeria had called a crucial council meeting.

Her silvery hair, elegantly coiled atop her head, glistened under the lantern light, a symbol of her wisdom and authority. Around her, the council members, with furrowed brows and deep lines etched in their faces, waited in somber anticipation.

"Esteemed council members," Valeria began, her voice commanding attention as she addressed the gathered elders. "We are faced with a most dire predicament. Our neighbours in Ravencroft, once allies and friends, are now encroaching upon our lands. They seek our territory and our resources."

"I see no cause for concern, Valeria," reassured Elias Thorne, a respected Elder who had risen from his seat. "The changes occurring within Ravencroft are primarily superficial. They present no substantial threat to Veridale." His tone carried the weight of his many years as an ardent protector of tradition, seeking to allay the growing apprehension within the council.

"Superficial as they may appear, Elias," Valeria began, her voice calm but resolute, "these changes indicate that they are building something new. Don't you think they'll harness that newfound power to expand their influence within the region?" Her words echoed with a concern that had been growing among the council members.

A murmur of concern rippled through the council. Valeria continued, "We have always been a people of tradition, steeped in our heritage. The values of Veridale are what make us who we are. But now we must stand united against this threat to our way of life. We must be prepared to defend our lands and preserve our culture."

One of the council members, an elder named Ealdred, spoke up, his voice bearing the weight of years of wisdom. "High Arbiter, we have lived in peace with Ravencroft for generations. Can we not seek a peaceful resolution, a way to coexist without conflict?"

Valeria nodded, acknowledging the concerns of her council. "I wish for nothing more than a peaceful solution, Ealdred. But our people are divided on this issue. Some believe it is our duty to protect our way of life, while others are open to negotiation. We must be prepared for all possible outcomes."

As the council deliberated, Valeria knew that the challenges ahead were not only a test of Veridale's resilience but also a reflection of her leadership. She held the fate of her town in her hands, and her decisions would ripple through the pages of history, shaping the destiny of Veridale and its relationship with its once-peaceful neighbour, Ravencroft. She knew that diplomacy was preferable, but her fear of confrontation with Ravencroft, driven by the sudden change in its political landscape gave her cause for concern.

As the meeting concluded, Elias and Valeria remained beneath the dominating tree whilst the rest of the council departed. Elias approached her.

"Valeria," he started. "Must we encourage a hunger for conflict? I do not believe it to be in the best interests of our town, nor our people."

"Ravencroft has developed drastically in the last few years alone," says Valaria. "We must be prepared for an act of aggression if they display signs of expansion."

"You are talking as though we must prepare for war," says Elias hesitantly, and with an err of fear in his voice.

"The world around us is changing, Elias," asserts Valaria with a tone of frustration. "We have an arsenal of weapons at our disposal should we need them. I do not plan to exercise those extremes. However, should Ravencroft appear to expand towards our borders, we must protect ourselves."

Elias contemplates the possibility for a moment before saying: "Very well. But we must not be seen to be the aggressor, Valaria. We have a population to protect. We cannot plunge our people into a war that has no purpose."

As the discussion between the two draws to a close, Valaria makes her way back to her home. As she arrives at the expansive building which boasts an elegant blend of neoclassical and contemporary architecture, she enters into a grand foyer featuring a sweeping staircase adorned with a luxurious red carpet and is met by Samuel Thornfield, her Chief Advisor and Strategist.

"Samuel," she begins, her voice steady and commanding, "the council has just concluded its meeting at the Great Arbor. It has been decided that we must mobilise for action against Ravencroft."

Samuel's brow furrows with curiosity. "Action?" he inquires, eager for further details.

Valaria nods, her expression resolute. "Yes," she affirms. "Summon the reservists and initiate Operation Tempest. The advancements made by Ravencroft must be halted. We cannot afford to let them gain any further ground."

"I will set it in motion immediately, High Arbiter," Samuel acknowledges with a brisk nod, understanding the urgency of the situation. He turns and strides purposefully away to carry out his orders.

Valaria watches him go, a sense of gravity and determination hanging in the air. She takes a deep breath and then begins her ascent up the grand staircase that leads to her opulent living quarters. As she climbs, she knows that her preparations for war have commenced. The future of Veridale hinges on the success of Operation Tempest. The operation that will attempt to not only unseat Ravencroft's president, but also take the neighbouring town under the control of Veridale and its war-hungry leader.