
Nuwa System

Join Nuwa as she travels the realms collecting sexual fluid on her path to become a Goddess of Sex! Expect smut, action, love, and drama. This is a hardcore novel with dark themes. There will be psychological and philosophical problems that Nuwa will have to overcome. Be very open-minded! First arc - Avatar: The Last Airbender Second arc - Hades (Supergiant Games) / Naruto This is my first time writing a novel! The writing quality becomes better the farther you go :D Tags: Action, Antiheroine Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Comedic Undertone, Confident Protagonist, Couple Growth, Cultivation, Dao Comprehension, Ecchi, Exhibitionism, Multiverse Fan-Fiction, Female Protagonist, Femdom, First-time Intercourse, Futanari, Gender Bender, Heartwarming, Incest, Manipulative Characters, Mystery, Nudity, Outdoor Intercourse, Perverted Protagonist, Philosophical, Pregnancy, Proactive Protagonist, Psychological, R-18, Rational Protagonist, Reincarnation, Scheming, Seduction, Shameless Protagonist, Weak to Strong Disclaimer: I have no claim of ownership over any characters in the story except my MC. There will be other OCs, but I don't care to claim them. I don't own the cover art either. Nuwa System baby server - https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu - to contact me, hop on the fan train, give suggestions, make requests, swap dirty pics, etc.

Dahoosa · 漫画同人
181 Chs

Chapter 138 - Reunion and Family Time

Nuwa unravels her snake-dress as she watches Zagreus' dick rise to attention upon her declaration. Thoughts of roleplaying are put aside. She gets to her knees in front of him, but just as she is about to get busy, she gets a ping from the [Smartphone] in her soul. She bolts upright and says to her brother, "Sorry! Azula just messaged me."

Seeing the pitiful look on his face, Nuwa soothingly strokes his chest, "Don't worry. I'll make it up to you. Come on now, I'll introduce you."

The siblings sit down on a ledge overlooking the macabre, bloody waters of the River Styx. It is good scenery as far as Zagreus is concerned, but Nuwa just wants to find an angle with good lighting. Nuwa summons her [Smartphone] and opens her private messages with Azula. In it, there is one message, "Babe, I knew you'd come back! I love you so much." with a raunchy selfie attached of Azula twisting her nipples.

Nuwa calls Azula and hopes that the functionality still works between Records. The call is picked up! Nuwa hears Azula's husky and suspiciously sultry voice after 18 long years, "Heyyy babe."

Then she realizes how long Azula must have gone without sex and feels guilty. "Azula.. Sorry again, baby."

Even though Azula is a little creeped out to hear Nuwa's voice have a slight hiss to it that distinctly reminds her of Orochimaru, she thinks she is imagining things, at least until what happens next.

Nuwa says, "Azula, my father in this life is a powerful God and my mother is a gorgon so.. I am not exactly human. Well, just prepare yourself." Nuwa clicks on the video call, hoping it will work as well. A minute later, which gives plenty of time for Azula to get ready, Nuwa sees just Azula's face on her screen with a slight smile and a post-orgasm glow.

Azula is understandably shocked when she sees that Nuwa is even more beautiful than before and her hair is entirely made of snakes. "Sweet Mother of Faces! Is that really you, Nuwa? Oh.. gosh.. I get what you meant now. Sorry, I have bad memories of snakes." Orochimaru has not bothered Azula much since the time they had met, but each time she sees him, she still feels her skin crawl.

Nuwa gives a wide, toothy grin back to Azula, noticing that she looks exactly the same as the day she had died, except her hair is fully blood-red. It is the same color as Zagreus' robes, coincidentally. This is her Phoenix Dao expressing itself outwardly. Nuwa had seen the pictures of Zina too. She had been born as a part phoenix demi-human due to Azula's new bloodline. The teenager's upper arms and thighs are brilliantly feathered, but otherwise she does not look much different than a normal human.

Azula has not delved deep enough into the Phoenix Dao to fully express her beast form. She also feels a slight obstinacy towards remaining human, because Nuwa is human. This is no longer the case, though. One of her mental blocks towards further exploring her Phoenix Dao melts away upon seeing Nuwa's human-gorgon form.

Nuwa hesitates slightly, but tells the full story of what happened after her death, including her falling in love with Zagreus while sealed. Azula had a feeling that Nuwa would eventually fall in love with other people since that was the way she was, so she was prepared, but it still gave her a knot in the pit of her stomach.

Zagreus keeps to himself and allows Nuwa and Azula to catch up. He distracts himself by watching the arms of the despairing souls reach out of the River Styx, constantly attempting to escape in vain. He cannot help but pay close attention to the voice of his sister's lover and feel jealousy over not having 100% of his sister's attention like he usually has. He understands with some shame that he has taken Nuwa's perpetual brotherly affection for granted.

Nuwa moves her snakes away and tilts the camera to bring Zagreus into the frame. "Zul, this is my Big Bro Zag. He's super strong, but he's a big softie at heart!"

Azula narrows her eyes with some surprise at the hellscape of the River Styx and the excessively handsome man presented to her. Zagreus gives her a strained smile and humbly replies, "Haha, not as strong as I would like if I'm dying 5 times a day for the past 10 years. Nice to meet you though, Azula. Thank you for taking care of my sister in the past. I guess we both fell in love with different aspects of her?"

Azula offers a terse reply , "Yep." without paying much attention. She is distracted by the fact that Zagreus is the hottest man she's ever seen in her life. Up until now, she never thought it possible for a man to attract her enough to overcome the lesbianism that Nuwa had drilled into her. Granted, these are all normal sexual desires, and not something she would take action on emotionally, considering her deep love for Nuwa. It is similar to how she gets boners from interacting with Lo, Li, Tsunade, and Kushina every now and then.

Nuwa's eye twitches a little as she brings the camera back to her face and whispers, "C'mon Azula.. at least try to get along. We will all be together for a long time. Please, for me?" She misinterpreted Azula's short reply as her being in a grumpy mood, which she has every right to be in, considering the circumstances.

Azula straightens out and says, "Oh sorry. Yeah, sure."

Nuwa scooches closer to Zagreus and puts them both in the frame. Azula affirms, "It's good to meet you too, Zagreus." and with noticeable disgruntlement continues, "Thanks for being there for her."

Zagreus has to look away because a cheeky smile rises uncontrollably onto his face. 'That is right. I am the one who can be there for her right now. I have plenty of time to develop a proper romance too! She will not be focusing on this little device all the time.'

Hearing her jealousy actually makes relating to her easier. He turns back and says, "I like your hair, by the way."

Azula strokes one of her bangs self-consciously and says, "Thanks, I like your different colored eyes." Noticing the spear he's holding, she asks, "Are you a spearman?"

Zagreus replies, "Hmm. Oh this? I suppose I am. I've spent most of the past 10 years killing vile creatures with a sword, spear, shield, bow, gun, and my gloved fists. It's good fun."

With her eyes lighting up, Azula asks with excitement, "Next time, can you show me your fist techniques?!"

Nuwa suddenly feels awkward hearing them continue to talk about martial arts without much room for her to butt in for the next 10 minutes. 'They're becoming too good of friends.. Any farther and I'd think they were flirting with each other!'

Somehow, the situation makes her feel both uncomfortable and pleased at the same time. The discomfort is from the womanly gestures Azula is subconsciously making towards Zagreus, like bringing her phone far enough away to include her cleavage and abs in the camera frame and the way she is fiddling with her hair. However, Nuwa is mostly pleased that they are getting along. 'It is hard to dislike a sweet guy like Zagreus. He is so empathic and friendly. While I only act empathetic to most people, he is genuinely caring. I don't understand why Father gives him such a hard time.'

A few minutes later during a lull in the conversation, Azula feels her phone vibrate and finds that Zina and Tulen are messaging her intensely asking about Nuwa. Azula asks seriously, "Babe, are you ready to see our kids?"

"Umm.. The real question is if they are ok with having a scary-looking mommy after spending so long looking at my old face." wonders Nuwa worriedly as she wraps her snakes around Zagreus in nervousness.

Azula laughs and reassures her, "They'd probably feel even closer to you like this. After living in the Spirit Realm for so long, they are used to those kinds of features. Plus, some of your facial features are the same. You share enough of a resemblance with your previous body that they should recognize you."

Zina pops into the call first. She is a beautiful, petite girl with a mix of Azula and Nuwa's features. Her hair is a dull shade of red, closer to black than Azula's hair, and she has copied Katara's hair loopies. Her skin is a similar bronze to the former Nuwa, but she did not inherit the larger breasts of her parents. She has B-cups, which still look well-proportioned on her slim frame. Overall, her cheerful face looks as cute as a button. The only mildly threatening part of her are her sparkling white and sharp teeth. She looks dumbfoundedly at the new face on the screen, who she soon recognizes as her missing mother.

Nuwa holds her hand to her mouth. The poor girl immediately bursts into tears and so does Nuwa looking at how much the daughter she had never met has grown up. She has seen the pictures of them, but seeing them in real time is another thing altogether. Zina speaks in a relatively high pitched voice befitting of her small stature, "Is that really you, Mommy? You're.. so.. pretty!"

Tulen also joins in on the call at this time and he has a similarly emotional reaction, but without the waterworks. Clearly, Azula had indoctrinated them to love Nuwa even without them having spent much time together. Tulen now has two large and pointy black horns coming out of his forehead and thick black hair with blonde streaks going down to his waist. He is very bulky and wears a sleeveless muscle shirt to reveal dense black scales on his arm, shoulders, and neck, stopping just short of his face. His skin is very light, like Azula's, so the contrast is noticeable. Overall, he looks quite handsome if whoever sizes him up can accept the draconic features. The red eyes give him a 'bad boy' aesthetic too.

Nuwa recalls breastfeeding Tulen not too long ago and all of a sudden, he has become a grown man. Still choking up, Nuwa is glad they do not mind her snake hair and she squeezes out, "It's me, babies. I'm so sorry, but I am here now."

Azula also stifles some tears threatening to leak out upon the emotional reunion. There had been a few times when Tulen had thrown a tantrum during which he claimed that Nuwa was never going to come back, after which Azula would get really mad and discipline him harshly.

She had never given up faith that her lover would return to them. Nuwa had never lied to her directly, despite freely lying to almost anyone else. The most she had done was misconstrue her words or lie by omission. Azula is positive that she had violently buttfucked that particular habit out of her lover, so she has complete trust in Nuwa now.

Zagreus sits outside of the frame, watching Nuwa and taking a look at her kids. They are almost adults now, so he does not really understand why Nuwa still called them 'babies'. On a side note, he cannot imagine having kids of his own until after he settles the disputes he has with his Father. Never had he seriously contemplated getting Nuwa or Megaera pregnant, although the thought had flashed across his mind.

Soon, Nuwa's snakes tighten tightly around him due to excitement and they rub together so hard that she is at risk of hurting herself. Zagreus pries them apart to prevent her from peeling her own scales off. Meanwhile, Nuwa is asking Zina, "Can you say 'goo goo ga ga' for me?"

Zina chuckles awkwardly and replies, "Mooom! I may look small, but I am an 18 year old adult already.."

Nuwa is single-minded in her quest. "That's besides the point, young lady. I missed all of your baby years, so I deserve to hear a 'goo goo ga ga' out of you! Did you know 'Boobies' was Tulen's first word? Did Zul ever tell you that?"

Tulen groans and shouts, "What the fuck?! No way!" while Zina cackles madly at the new thing she can tease her brother about.

Azula and Nuwa both say, "Language!" before they all burst into giggles. A few minutes later, Nuwa pressures Zina into saying 'goo goo ga ga' in her cute high pitched voice. Nuwa gushes happily and kisses the camera. She looks over smiling at Zagreus, and upon noticing he looks left out, she pulls him into the frame to introduce him. "Babies! This is Zagreus, my big brother. You can call him Uncle Zag."

Zina blushes profusely while Tulen admires his Uncle's musculature. They both politely greet, "Hello, Uncle Zag."

Zagreus kindly replies, "Nice to meet you, kids. Tell me if I say something strange. I am unused to the customs of mortals."

Azula and Nuwa both say, "No worries, you are fine." Nuwa continues, "Even if you don't understand, just ask and we will explain it."

"Hmm, there's one thing I don't understand." Zagreus admits. Nuwa asks, "What is it?"

Zagreus looks at the phone with a serious face and asks, "What has got Tulen so horny?"



(A/N: Zag coming in clutch with the lame jokes!)

(A/N: https://discord.gg/VD3C2BFPAu)