
Getting started

So, as they came to grow accostumed to their new home, the kids started to understand more about their situation in this new world. There were many factions around them both belonging to Charis' elites or to the old 'native' population of Jurrisia, there were many fractured groups among the Charis ones since they soon came to realise that all the power their authorities held on their world no longer could be counted on, giving rise to warlords that would use their strenght and magic to carve a piece of the territory for themselves. The ones that were older on the planet meanwhile had a much more united perspective that came from being colonists from many diferent planes that had fought and lived for decades or even centuries.

Among the native people there were the Dwarves, the Gnomes and even a few of the hard to meet elves, but among them there were the Lizardmen, the race that was the only trully indigenous sentient race of this world, these people with the exception of the latter were all advanced enough to be able to roam planes and the worlds inside but were in a constant balance beetwen them meaning that they werent capable of growing unimpeded and taking down the others, given also the fact that not all races were as aggressive or greedy as the humans, this world had been a rather peaceful place if not counting the territorial disputes among the Lizardmen.

This peace was shattered with the advent of the humans from Charis, which they learned were not the only humans present in the multiverse, but while these new intruders were aggressive, their numbers and fractures made them too weak to be much of a threat, only their advanced weapons were able to make the others cautious of them, they did not shy away from technology but still didnt achieve the same degree of power these new humans yelded.

Gnomes were usually the ones that would be most proficient in magecraft, which was the junction of technology that uses the power of magic, their creations would be much more ingenious then the charisians use of magic, which was usually very limited in being power sources of wave emitters, rarelly being able to get into the deep secrets of magic.

The dwarves were also a creative and productive people, being always close to their tools and their crafting materials, but had more of a brute force and mass production type of mentality, of course there were exceptions eith their mastercrafters, but the general populace would work in industry and efficiency not artworks.

The elves did not have much information about them known by Joseph and Stephen, they only knew they were isolationists and used weird magic that had to do with artificial and natural spirits and elemental beings.

The Children of the Shelter, as Joseph liked to call their group, were inside the territory of the many charisian factions, hidden on a dwarven shelter that got overlooked making them quite vulnerable to the ambitious eyes of those warlords, that meant that they would usually have to heavily relly on stealth and caution when on the surface to try their best to avoid patrols or the detection by the many monitoration equipment these faction had.

From heatscanning and sonar among other means, they usually had to be more careful than careful for the sake of survival, thankfully they had an expect when it came to equipment.

A bald man stood before the kids and started to explain the ways by which they would remain hidden from the eyes of equipment. "Little and not so little brats! Pay close attention to this lesson if you wish to live! there are many ways to avoid those equipment with interferrence magic, me and Joseph were only able to stay here for so long because of these techniques, such as heat dispersion and wave interference, along with other we have jumbled them up to make a general CONCEALMENT magic we are going to impart to all of you lot! You will be testing and improving on the underground and not leave until you can fool every single equipment I have in store!". Giving a big grin to all his new students he came to find out that he quite liked acting like a military officer talking to recruits about training, he decided that he would take that tone and imagine for him self as their new mentor.

And as they would train in using their magic and finding that they would either not be able to hold it for long or not be able to scramble some frequencies, they understood the dificulty of their challenge and that it would take quite a bit of time to achieve it.

Being stuck on the underground was not a very good thing so they would get out sometimes accompained by either Joseph or Stephen to take in some sun and fresh air on some mountain exits that made for hidden valleys that were safer to walk around, in these times they would still train with FIRE magic or other magic that was more convient to be used on the ouside.

Joseph was a philosopher and natural teacher, he would love to make riddles and make then think for themselves about the awnser, giving hints along the way to make them not feel completely lost. He was quite proficient in magic being one of the researchers on magic since the first days they acquired it, while his type of magic was usually the more orthodix type such as elemental (FIRE, AIR, EARTH, WATER) he was still ingenious in its use, pushing and streching their uses to make him unpredictable in fights and versatile in many situations.

They had a strict training regiment for the first couple of months, having to learn magic, martial arts and technological devices uses and counters before they would then be able to have more time for themselves.

And once the basics were getting beaten and shoved into their skulls and bodies, they would be able to explore in groups and have more freedom without have to worry each other too much.