
Novel idea: Moemon system.

What?? You thought this is a real novel. No no no. Listen. This is not a real novel. Read the tittle again. This is just some random idea popping out of my head. I repeat THIS IS NOT A NOVEL. Give me stone don't do anything. Add this to your collection will just waste your space. Read this will just waste your time to read other better novel. An actual novel even. You still want to know what is the story. Fine I guess I will try update this. As soon as possible. But it can also mean never.

RecentMap7 · 其他
13 Chs

Chapter 2: An Apple a day keeps the doctor away

Some change on chapter 1: (I won't edit chapter 1 though cause I'm lazy)

- To next level will change from number to percent, for example:

[Jame Traffy to level 2: 4/6. Mizuko to level 2: 4/9] will become [Jame Traffy to level 2: 67%. Mizuko to level 2: 44%]

- Shop funtion will open in level 5 instead of 25 but not all item will be available. More item will be added per 10 level.

- Mission Point will be replaced by Reward Point (short as Pts).



{Previously on Moemon Novel Idea: Jame got isekai'd and gained himself a new ... pet? daughter?? l0li god requiem???}

"Did you know Pkmn Black and White's region is based on New York and it's the first time they based a region outside of Japan"

As a boy with rare family name in New York, I was curious about how they created Unova. And it will also be my first Pkmn game too.

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8103/8108). Wild Slime B is ded🫡]

[Jame Traffy and Mizuko each gain 4 exp. point]

[Jame Traffy's level raised to 2, to level 3: 38%. Mizuko to level 2: 89%]

As I played, my fondness to the game grew more and more. And afterward, you can say that I becomed a Pkmn fan.

[Mizuko used Tackle. Wild Slime A is ded🫡.]

[Jame Traffy and Mizuko each gain 4 exp. point]

[Jame Traffy to level 3: 57%. Mizuko's level raised to 2, to level 3: 21%.]

[Battle End.]

[Name: Jame Traffy

Level: 1 -----> 2

HP: 13 -----> 17

Atk: 7 ------> 10

Def: 7 ------> 10

Sp. Atk: 7 --> 10

Sp. Def: 6 ---> 9

Spd: 7 -------> 11]

[Name: Mizuko

Level: 1 ---------> 2

HP: 12 ---------> 14

Stam. : 100 --> 108

Atk: 6 -----------> 8

Def: 6 -----------> 7

Sp. Atk: 6 -------> 7

Sp. Def: 6 -------> 7

Spd: 5 -----------> 6]

🚦: "As expect, we grow to level 2. I guess I should tell Mizuko use different moves than Tackle so I can learn her moves"

The moment Jame goes to collect the slime's drop, he gets ambush.

🐟: "Master-nii-chan, watch out"

[Wild Rabbit used Quick Attack. Jame Traffy's Hp: 14/17.]

[Jame Traffy got caught in surprise and unable to attack.]

[Mizuko used Mud-Slap. It's not very effective. Wild Rabbit's Hp: 92%. Wild Rabbit's Accuracy fell.]

Jame looks at the monster that ambushed him and he sees the rabbit that look like a slice of apple?

[Apple Rabbit, Level: 2, Rank: Normal.]

'Okay, time to get serious, this is the first Normal rank monster and also the first damage taken. I don't know what will happen when HP reach 0, probably result in ded, like those slime, so I have to be extra careful.'

[Wild Rabbit used Quick Attack. Mizuko's HP: 11/14.]

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8098/8108). Wild Rabbit's HP: 46%]

[Mizuko used Tackle. Wild Rabbit's HP: 31%]

[Wild Rabbit used Quick Attack. Jame Traffy's Hp: 11/17]

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8093/8108). Wild Rabbit is ded🫡.]

[Jame Traffy and Mizuko each gain 12 exp. point]

[Jame Traffy's level raised to 3, to level 4: 47%. Mizuko to level 3: 42%]

[Battle end]

[Name: Jame Traffy

Level: 2 -------> 3

HP: 17 -------> 21

Atk: 10 ------> 13

Def: 10 ------> 13

Sp. Atk: 10 --> 13

Sp. Def: 9 ---> 11

Spd: 11 -----> 14]

[Jame Traffy learned Mud-Slap]

[Mud-Slap, cost: 5 MP, throw a mud in the target's face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy]

'The rabbit is strong. We gain 3 times worth exp. point than slime though so does that mean Rabbit is 3 times stronger than Slime. But how can we heal now? Let's hope we don't need potion or anything like that cause I don't know how to get them, in the middle of a forest'

[Answer: User can eat food to heal like the apple that the Apple Rabbit just drop]

🐟: "Master-nii-chan, an apple"

Before Jame can retort how a slice of apple drop a full apple, Mizuko has picked up the apple to Jame, together with the rabbit core.

[Apple (Food). Ripe and crispy. Eat it to recover 50 HP and 50 Stam. .]

Receiving an Apple from Mizuko, Jame proceeds to ... split the apple in half? with his bare hand?? Since when you can do that??? DnD player, where are you? We need someone to roll strength check.

🚦: "Here you go"

Mizuko receives the half of an apple while looking at Jame in awe.

[Jame Traffy eat half of an apple and recover to full health. Stam. : 8093 --> 8108]

[Mizuko eat half of an apple and recover to full health]

'I want to split one half again into quarter and reserve the other half but I don't think storing food in clothes pocket is a very good idea. And also now that I have time to think about this, what is this weird cloth. I don't remember wearing this while sleeping.'

Jame's looking closely at his cloth. What he's wearing right now look like a military outfit with white shirt and pant. While examining, Jame take out the dark blue with night theme card-like object in one of his pocket.

'What is this weird card?' He looks at the card and question.

[Answer: It's your ID card. It can store money which called credit in this world. You can also - ]

Before Jame can read all the text, a party interupt him and the screen close by itself.

[Normal Slime, Level: 1, Rank: Low] x 4

'Oh come on, are you joking with me?' Feeling a bit annoying for suddenly being disturbed, Jame says.

🚦: "Let's go 😠"

🐟: "Let's go 😄". In contrast, Mizuko sounds very happy. Seeing how cheerful Mizuko is, put a smile on Jame face.

(Oh! Let's go!)

(Jame walks warily down the path. With the brim pulled way down low)

(Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet. Mizuko ready to go)

(Are you ready, hey, are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?)

(Out of the doorway the Tackle rip. To the sound of the beat)

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8103/8108). Wild Slime C is ded🫡.] (Another one bites the dust)

[Mizuko used Tackle. Wild Slime A is ded🫡.] (Another one bites the dust)

[Jame Traffy gain 4 exp. points. Mizuko gain 6 exp. points]

[Jame Traffy to level 4: 55%. Mizuko to level 3: 53%]

[Wild Slime B is calling for back up. Normal Slime level 1 appears.]

[Wild Slime D is calling for back up. Normal Slime level 1 appears.]

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8098/8108). Wild Slime B is ded🫡.] (And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust)

[Mizuko used Tackle. Wild Slime F is ded🫡.] (Hey, I'm gonna get you, too. Another one bites the dust)

[Jame Traffy gain 4 exp. points. Mizuko gain 6 exp. points]

[Jame Traffy to level 4: 63%. Mizuko to level 3: 63%]

[Wild Slime D is calling for back up. Apple Rabit level 2 appears.]

[Wild Slime E is calling for back up. Apple Rabit level 2 appears.]

(I don't think we're gonna get along. When you guy just keep spawning)

[Wild Rabbit A used Quick Attack. Mizuko's Hp: 11/14]

[Wild Rabbit B used Quick Attack. Jame Traffy's Hp: 20/21]

(You took me for some HP that we had. And kicked me out on my own)

(Are you happy, are you satisfied? How long can you keep spawning?)

(Out of the doorway the Tackle rip. To the sound of the beat)

(Look out!)

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8093/8108). Wild Slime E is ded🫡.] (Another one bites the dust)

[Mizuko used Tackle. Wild Slime D is ded🫡.] (Another one bites the dust)

[Jame Traffy gain 4 exp. points. Mizuko gain 6 exp. points] (And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust)

[Jame Traffy to level 4: 71%. Mizuko to level 3: 74%] (Hey, I'm gonna get you, too. Another one bites the dust.)


[Wild Rabbit A used Quick Attack. Jame Traffy's Hp: 19/21] (There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man. And bring him to the ground)

[Wild Rabbit B used Quick Attack. Jame Traffy's Hp: 18/21] (You can beat him, you can cheat him. You can treat him bad and leave him when he's down)

(But I'm ready, yes, I'm ready for you. I'm standing on my own two feet)

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8088/8108). Wild Rabbit A's HP: 46%]

[Mizuko used Yawn. Wild Rabbit B is drowsy]

(Out of the doorway the Tackle rip. Repeating to the sound of the beat)

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8083/8108). Wild Rabbit A is ded🫡] (Another one bites the dust)

[Wild Rabbit B used Growth. Wild Rabbit B's Atk and Sp. Atk rose!] (Another one bites the dust)

[Mizuko used Tackle. Wild Rabbit B's HP: 85%] (And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust)

[Wild Rabbit B fell asleep] (Hey, I'm gonna get you, too. Another one bites the dust)

[Jame Traffy used Tackle (Stam. : 8078/8108). Wild Rabbit B's HP: 15%]

[Wild Rabbit B is still asleep]

[Mizuko used Tackle. Wild Rabbit B ̶ ̷b̷i̷t̷e̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷d̷u̷s̷t̷ is ded 🫡]

[Jame Traffy gain 18 exp. points. Mizuko gain 24 exp. points]

[Jame Traffy's level raised to 4, to level 5: 54%. Mizuko's level raised to 3, to level 4: 69%.]

[Jame Traffy learns Yawn. Mizuko learns Water Gun]

[Yawn. Cost: 10 MP. Make target drowsy and fall asleep, eventually]

[Battle End]

[Name: Jame Traffy

Level: 3 -----------> 4

HP: 21 -----------> 24

MP: 100 -------->116

Stam. : 8108 -->8114

Atk: 13 ----------> 15

Def: 13 ----------> 15

Sp. Atk: 13 -----> 15

Sp. Def: 11 -----> 13

Spd: 14 ---------> 16]

[Name: Mizuko

Level: 2 ---------> 3

HP: 14 ---------> 16

Stam. : 108 ---> 117

Atk: 8 ----------> 11

Def: 7 ----------> 8

Sp. Atk: 7 ------> 8

Sp. Def: 7 ------> 8

Spd: 6 ---------> 7]

'Phew, the battle took way too long. Next time maybe we should just run. The fight took too long that I start to hearing thing. The weird thing is that it's sound like someone singing'

With the end of the fight against 4 slimes that somehow become 6 slimes and 2 rabbits, Jame goes and collect their core (6 slime cores + 2 rabbit cores) and 2 apples.

'This is??'. Jame looks confusedly at one of the apple. Cause clearly one of them is not red but yellow.

[Yellow Apple (Food). Another version of Apple but contain magical property, don't confuse it with Golden Apple. Eat it to recover 50 HP and 50 MP.]

'Well none of us lose any MP right now so this is useless'. Jame puts the yellow in his pocket (temporary) so that he has free hand to ... crack the red one in half. Where is my strength check when I need it? 😔

[Jame Traffy eat half of an apple and recover to full health.]

[Mizuko eat half of an apple and recover to full health.]

'Okay, time to read'. Jame open up the screen that has been forcefully closed before.

[Answer: It's your ID card. It can store money which called credit in this world. You can also use it to store or take out item. Note: you can't store or take out item during battle.]

'That's good. Let's hope it doesn't get stolen or something.... Why did i raise such flag for myself?'

With that in mind, Jame proceeds to store the cores to the card. When he's about to store the Yellow Apple however.

🐟: "Master-nii-chan, watch out"

[???'s Fox used Thief. Jame Traffy's HP: 20/24]

[???'s Fox stole the Yellow Apple.]

[Jame Traffy got caught in surprise and unable to attack.]

[Mizuko used Mud-Slap. It's super effective. ???'s Fox's Hp: 89%. ???'s Fox's Accuracy fell.]

[???'s Fox ran away]

A yellow fox came out of nowher and stole the Yellow Apple, then ran away, left Jame baffled and just stood there.

'I'm really in need of a detection skill huh.'

🚦: "Let's go Mizuko. We need to chase that thief fox."

🐟: "Understand, Master-nii-chan"

Recover from the shock, Jame and Mizuko are chasing behind the fox that stole their Apple. One might think that the Apple is like some rare loot or something. But I can tell that if they just go and kill another Apple Rabbit, the chance that Yellow Apple drop again is 20%. Yes, 20%, for a level 2 Apple Rabbit. Now that they grow stronger, they can even take on 2~3 of them as the same time to increase the odd. Yet they chose a much inconvenient way by chasing a target that is faster than them.

Regardless, the group follow the fox, go out the grassplain area of Melly forest and arrive at woodland area.

And with that is the end of chapter 2. Now that I reread it, I can confirm that I'm really suck at writting, especially when it comes to fighting.

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