

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · 科幻
60 Chs

Chapter 59: The Secret of the Blood

Kaisha did not take Hexi's slightly irritated words to heart. Instead, she inquired about another matter.


"How is the research on Ethan's blood going?"


Hexi, who had been somewhat annoyed, perked up immediately upon hearing this question from Kaisha.


"Although the current analysis data is not very ideal, we have some results!" Hexi said, waving her hand in the air. A light screen appeared in front of Kaisha and Hexi.


"Look, these are his cells!"


"They are very different from ordinary Shinhwa cells!"


"His cells contain various substances that are not found in other Shinhwa cells!"


As Hexi explained, she displayed the composition of Ethan's cells on the light screen for Kaisha.


Kaisha's eyes narrowed as she looked at the cell data on the screen.


"This is Void Matter!!!"


Hexi nodded and replied, "Yes, Void Matter! His cells contain Void Matter, and not just one type!"


"You and I both know that Void Matter is a general term for super substances created after black hole annihilation!"


"Different Void Matters have completely different properties! The void weapons that can be developed from them also vary!"


Hexi's tone changed from relaxed to serious.


"But that's not the main point!"


"The key is that no type of Void Matter can be directly absorbed by living beings, let alone integrate into cells like this!"


"It's like the secondary biological engine I'm developing. The final calculations show that the secondary biological energy contained within the engine would completely destroy the body upon activation. This means we can only arm the secondary biological engine in the subplane!"


"Even when armed in the subplane, not in direct contact with the body, a large amount of secondary biological energy would feedback to our body's port upon the first activation, causing damage!"


At this moment, Kaisha suddenly interrupted.


"But the Void Matter in Ethan's cells doesn't behave this way!"


Hexi nodded again.


"Yes, the Void Matter in his cells doesn't damage his body. Instead, it perfectly integrates with his cells and genetic chains, making his body incredibly strong!"


"It's almost perfect!"


Hexi couldn't help but express her admiration.


"Then why? There must be a reason. It seems you haven't shown all the data!" Kaisha frowned and asked Hexi.


Hexi, impressed by Kaisha's observation, immediately displayed the remaining data.


"Take a look!"


"When I discovered the Void Matter and realized it didn't harm Ethan's body, I was shocked. My first thought was to find out why the Void Matter didn't damage his body because this is crucial for the angels!"


"I started analyzing it right away, but there was no progress. I had no choice but to analyze and compare the blood of other Nova people!"


"I found that other Nova people also had equal amounts of Void Matter in their bodies, which shocked me and raised another question!"


"The data you provided showed that Ethan's body, with strength comparable to second-generation or even above, was enhanced to third-generation super soldier strength after absorbing secondary biological energy and an unknown energy in a short time!"


"But that's not the point. The point is, why do other Nova people with the same amount of Void Matter only have the overall quality close to first-generation super soldiers, while Ethan reached above second-generation?"


"Logically, if the Void Matter strengthened their bodies, those with the same amount of Void Matter shouldn't have such a significant difference!"


"The fact is, except for a few, most Nova people don't even reach first-generation levels. Only a few barely reach first-generation, and very few surpass first-generation! This data seems normal to me!"


"But Ethan is different. He completely surpasses second-generation!"


"Remember, the gap between first-generation and second-generation is huge!"


"If there is no special reason, Ethan couldn't cross this boundary!"


"Hexi, I think it's necessary to remind you that Nova people demonstrate an overall quality close to first-generation super soldiers under the suppression of Nova's thousandfold gravity!" Kaisha reminded Hexi in a nearly indifferent tone.


Hexi was taken aback by this reminder.


"Um, okay, I did overlook this factor, but it doesn't change my analysis result much!"


Embarrassed, Hexi touched her forehead, then quickly recovered and continued confidently.


"Based on this, I hypothesize that Void Matter is not the main factor affecting their body strength; at most, it plays a supporting role. There must be something else I haven't discovered!"


After Hexi finished, Kaisha immediately summarized her hypothesis.


"This unknown substance not only suppresses the destructive nature of Void Matter but also harmonizes the various Void Matters, allowing them to fully integrate with the cells and genetic chains!"


"Under the same conditions, there wouldn't be such a huge discrepancy. Your hypothesis seems correct. And then?"


Hexi continued.


"Following this line of thought, I tried to isolate Void Matter from their cells!"


"The results were unexpected!"


"After removing the Void Matter, the cells didn't change much; their strength didn't decrease significantly!"


"This proved my hypothesis and also showed that the real secret lies within the cells after removing the Void Matter!"


"But Ethan's cells are different from others. When I compared Ethan's cells with other Nova people's cells, I found that Ethan's cells were stronger!"


"I also discovered that weaker cells from other Nova people would actively approach and even merge with stronger cells, while stronger cells would passively accept them!"


"But this wasn't the result I wanted. I had to continue my research from the genetic chain, molecular structure, atomic structure, down to the quark level, but found nothing unusual!"


"This situation made me doubt my direction, but then I remembered something!"




"I suddenly thought of the time when I used Insight Eye to check Nova's AI, Aiden, and saw nothing!"


Kaisha raised an eyebrow.


"Could it be?"


"Yes, you're right!"


"I realized that this substance, like Aiden, cannot be detected through dark information!"


"So I abandoned the Insight Eye and used old, discarded equipment to find it through physical means!"




As Hexi finished speaking, she produced a glowing orb!


Kaisha solemnly took the orb.


Although it appeared as a glowing orb, it was actually a container for the substance Hexi had found!


Kaisha's eyes glowed white, but she saw nothing! Clearly, it couldn't be observed through the subplane!




Hexi handed over a pair of rimless glasses.


"What's this?"


"I made it temporarily. You'll understand once you wear it!"


Kaisha, without hesitation, put on the glasses!


With the glasses on, Kaisha exuded a scholarly aura!


Wearing the glasses, Kaisha's vision changed, and everything around her altered!


She saw various elements and atoms floating in space!


When she focused on the glowing orb, her vision penetrated the light, revealing the substance inside!


A particle!


A quark-level particle!


"This is my discovery!"


"A brand-new particle, never seen before!"


"These particles combine directly with quarks to form protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons then combine to form atoms, eventually creating genes and cells!"


"This is the secret of Nova people's strength!"