

I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon. I groggily rub my eyes, vaguely remembering a voice calling out to me in my dreams.

"Good morning Little Missy," Manny gently greeted.

Now fully awake, I look up at him in surprise.

"What are you doing here? Isn't Father going to be mad at you if he catches you in here like last time!?" I asked worriedly.

"Relax Little Missy, your Father is out on a business trip, I am to join him in a few hours," He smiled warmly.

I gave him a bright smile of my own as I digged in to my meal.

I quickly finished my meal and went out to the garden with Manny. We walked in silence, enjoying each other's company until we got to the small pond that I used to play at when I was a child.

Manny kneeled down.

"Hey! Look at that!" He pointed.

I kneeled down and expected the waters with him. Underneath was a small red koi. As red as ruby. I gasped.

"Wow..." I said an amazement.

We stayed there for awhile watching the koi fish swim around its habitat.

"Why not name it?" Manny asked cheerfully.

"Really? I can name it?" I asked in astonishment.

"Sure, why not?" Manny grinned.

"Uhm, I don't know...I'm not really good at giving names," I laughed nervously.

"That's fine, you've got plenty of time and it's not like your father is going to know," He winked playfully.

I laugh.

"No, I guess not,"

We continued watching the koi without a care in the world but all too soon, Manny had to go.

"Why can't you stay?" I asked bitterly.

"Oh Little Missy..." He looked at me sadly. "You know I can't, your father will throw a fit."

He ruffled my hair and got up to go. I sighed heavily.

"Hello Ash,"

I shuddered. I know that voice. That disgusting voice that won't leave me alone.

"Charlie," I responded coldly.

Is it sad? or is it wonderful? That Ash was amazed by a small koi fish?

Dead_Starscreators' thoughts